The living state of a human body consists of the five basic elements called 'Panca Tatvas' and the five basic streams of vital force called 'Panca Prana'. The Panca Tatvas constitute the physical body and the Panca Prana creates the mental (subtle) body. The flow of electricity in a circuit is generated by the connection of the two complementary - positive and negative types of currents. The lifecycle of a human being also continues to revolve with the help of the two 'wheels' of the physical and mental bodies. The collective contribution of these components is unparalleled in Nature.
The known, as well as the un-deciphered, structural and functional features of the human body are enormous. Deeper analysis of these brings out more and more amazing results and shows newer layers of mysteries in this splendid action of the Almighty. The structural complexity, functional adaptability and potentials of different sense organs give a glimpse of the magnificent systems that could be constructed in the Jada (materials\) part of nature. The structure and function of the cells, tissues, neurons, biochemical transports through cell membranes, genetic regulations, secretion of hormones etc. all appear like the unlimited activities of a mysterious wonderland. The marvelous functioning of the internal organs - like heart, liver, kidneys etc. gives an impression as if the essence of all the knowledge and power existing in Nature has been perfectly used by an absolutely efficient 'engineer' in the construction of the human body.
In normal course, the human body performs only the routine tasks, which are essential for its survival. However, if given a chance - with appropriate training and control, this natural instrument could be used to conduct supernatural activities. The hilarious performances of great personalities in different fields of history prove that this small body of flesh and bones contains tremendous power. This power generally remains dormant and is therefore not manifested in most people. If awaken, this latent power grows and expands like a huge tree from a tiny seed. Its focused development cultivates supernatural capabilities in the targeted components of the body.
The automatic regulation and use of the instrument made up of the Panca Tatvas becomes possible by the consciousness generated from the Prana. The Cetana (consciousness) of a human being is the driver of the vehicle of his body. The splendid structure of the body is of no use if there is no Prana in it. Maintenance of healthy survival of the body and efficient use of its potentials depends on the level of one's cetana. Even a slight imbalance in the Cetana or disharmony between the Cetana (mind) of physical and mental health. Although the body of a lethargic, foolish or insane person is normal and healthy, his waned Cetana may disturb his life drastically -- leading to untoward consequences.
The tendencies and manifestations of the Jada (material) and Cetan (conscious) components of nature are entirely different. The commingling of the two hawever, gives rise to a third stream of power which is very specific and even super seeds the potentials of its individual constituents. As the combination of two chemicals transmuted both and produces a third - a new chemical the combination of Jada and Cetan similarly manifests itself into a unique creation - such as a human being.
The power of Cetana is present in every organ, every cell of the body. However, the center of its functional manifestation resides in the core of the brain. Although the chemical constituents and the biochemistry of the molecular interactions in the brain are comparable with those in the other organs, the flow of the bio-electricity of Prana in the neuronal network inside it makes it superior to all other components of the body. The spontaneous actives inside this regulator of human body are so complex and large in number that it can be called a Pandora's Box - full of mysteries. The human brain is a magical creation of the Omniscient. The varieties of tasks simultaneously performed by this system in short time intervals of milliseconds to millisecond; indicate the presence of the Supernatural Power of the Almighty in a worldly creation
The routine functions of human brain include auto regulation of motor and sensory activities and central control over the functioning of the other organs. It also serves as the central processor of bioelectrical activities and information processing across different parts of the body via the nervous system. In other living beings the entire amount of consciousness is used for the purpose of bodily activities. However, in humans the level of consciousness used for the above functions of auto regulations and information processing is very small. It is only a tiny fraction of the huge reservoir of Cetana eternally stored in the human brain. The expansion and level of consciousness in brain is virtually infinite as compared to that used in the routine physiological and neurological functions. If unutilized, this potential of brain gets waned and remains dormant.
There lies a gigantic treasure of the visible and latent powers in the core of nature. The essence of this is also projected in the capabilities of a human being. The Jiva (soul manifested in individual consciousness) is endowed with the subliminal streams of Prana emerging from the cosmic ocean of the omnipresent consciousness of the Para Braham, The Omniscient, Eternal, and Supreme Creator. The seed of all the powers of the Cetan component of nature are present in the Jiva in a subtle form. The brain is regarded to be the core of the existence and manifestation of this enormous potential of the Jiva in a human being. The structure and functions of the human brain represent a splendid combination of the Jada and Cetan which gives rise to the flow of specific bio-electrical currents - emanated from the streams of Prana.
Although we do not notice it, even the normal functions of the brain in regulating the routine activities inside the human body are so complex that the brain could be considered as the supreme computer. Its natural functioning in maintaining the day-to-day activities of the body and mind might appear as ordinary to some people. But, the scientists and thinkers know that it is indeed an extraordinary organ, there could be no sophisticated processor or device developed by advanced technologies which would ever reach the efficiency of this system.
The non-routine functions of the human brain are more amazing. Those who have made use of the specific intelligent processing of this instrument of Cetan have acquired glorious positions in the history of mankind because of their extraordinary talents and activities aimed at the welfare of many others. Eminent literary persons, poets, artists, philosophers, scientists, Yogis, Rishis - the spiritual masters, super natural personalities, all attain the superior qualities, talents and expertise because of rousing the specific faculties of their brains.
(Note: Remaining part of this article can be seen in the next article -" The Omnipotent Role of Human Brain - I, please follow that article too).
The known, as well as the un-deciphered, structural and functional features of the human body are enormous. Deeper analysis of these brings out more and more amazing results and shows newer layers of mysteries in this splendid action of the Almighty. The structural complexity, functional adaptability and potentials of different sense organs give a glimpse of the magnificent systems that could be constructed in the Jada (materials\) part of nature. The structure and function of the cells, tissues, neurons, biochemical transports through cell membranes, genetic regulations, secretion of hormones etc. all appear like the unlimited activities of a mysterious wonderland. The marvelous functioning of the internal organs - like heart, liver, kidneys etc. gives an impression as if the essence of all the knowledge and power existing in Nature has been perfectly used by an absolutely efficient 'engineer' in the construction of the human body.
In normal course, the human body performs only the routine tasks, which are essential for its survival. However, if given a chance - with appropriate training and control, this natural instrument could be used to conduct supernatural activities. The hilarious performances of great personalities in different fields of history prove that this small body of flesh and bones contains tremendous power. This power generally remains dormant and is therefore not manifested in most people. If awaken, this latent power grows and expands like a huge tree from a tiny seed. Its focused development cultivates supernatural capabilities in the targeted components of the body.
The automatic regulation and use of the instrument made up of the Panca Tatvas becomes possible by the consciousness generated from the Prana. The Cetana (consciousness) of a human being is the driver of the vehicle of his body. The splendid structure of the body is of no use if there is no Prana in it. Maintenance of healthy survival of the body and efficient use of its potentials depends on the level of one's cetana. Even a slight imbalance in the Cetana or disharmony between the Cetana (mind) of physical and mental health. Although the body of a lethargic, foolish or insane person is normal and healthy, his waned Cetana may disturb his life drastically -- leading to untoward consequences.
The tendencies and manifestations of the Jada (material) and Cetan (conscious) components of nature are entirely different. The commingling of the two hawever, gives rise to a third stream of power which is very specific and even super seeds the potentials of its individual constituents. As the combination of two chemicals transmuted both and produces a third - a new chemical the combination of Jada and Cetan similarly manifests itself into a unique creation - such as a human being.
The power of Cetana is present in every organ, every cell of the body. However, the center of its functional manifestation resides in the core of the brain. Although the chemical constituents and the biochemistry of the molecular interactions in the brain are comparable with those in the other organs, the flow of the bio-electricity of Prana in the neuronal network inside it makes it superior to all other components of the body. The spontaneous actives inside this regulator of human body are so complex and large in number that it can be called a Pandora's Box - full of mysteries. The human brain is a magical creation of the Omniscient. The varieties of tasks simultaneously performed by this system in short time intervals of milliseconds to millisecond; indicate the presence of the Supernatural Power of the Almighty in a worldly creation
The routine functions of human brain include auto regulation of motor and sensory activities and central control over the functioning of the other organs. It also serves as the central processor of bioelectrical activities and information processing across different parts of the body via the nervous system. In other living beings the entire amount of consciousness is used for the purpose of bodily activities. However, in humans the level of consciousness used for the above functions of auto regulations and information processing is very small. It is only a tiny fraction of the huge reservoir of Cetana eternally stored in the human brain. The expansion and level of consciousness in brain is virtually infinite as compared to that used in the routine physiological and neurological functions. If unutilized, this potential of brain gets waned and remains dormant.
There lies a gigantic treasure of the visible and latent powers in the core of nature. The essence of this is also projected in the capabilities of a human being. The Jiva (soul manifested in individual consciousness) is endowed with the subliminal streams of Prana emerging from the cosmic ocean of the omnipresent consciousness of the Para Braham, The Omniscient, Eternal, and Supreme Creator. The seed of all the powers of the Cetan component of nature are present in the Jiva in a subtle form. The brain is regarded to be the core of the existence and manifestation of this enormous potential of the Jiva in a human being. The structure and functions of the human brain represent a splendid combination of the Jada and Cetan which gives rise to the flow of specific bio-electrical currents - emanated from the streams of Prana.
Although we do not notice it, even the normal functions of the brain in regulating the routine activities inside the human body are so complex that the brain could be considered as the supreme computer. Its natural functioning in maintaining the day-to-day activities of the body and mind might appear as ordinary to some people. But, the scientists and thinkers know that it is indeed an extraordinary organ, there could be no sophisticated processor or device developed by advanced technologies which would ever reach the efficiency of this system.
The non-routine functions of the human brain are more amazing. Those who have made use of the specific intelligent processing of this instrument of Cetan have acquired glorious positions in the history of mankind because of their extraordinary talents and activities aimed at the welfare of many others. Eminent literary persons, poets, artists, philosophers, scientists, Yogis, Rishis - the spiritual masters, super natural personalities, all attain the superior qualities, talents and expertise because of rousing the specific faculties of their brains.
(Note: Remaining part of this article can be seen in the next article -" The Omnipotent Role of Human Brain - I, please follow that article too).
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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.