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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mental Balance

Brain is the centre of man's power. Its strength is limitless. If it is possible to make the proper use of this strength, then the man goes on progressing and progressing along the desired path. The waves produced in the mind are so powerful that one can achieve plenty of material prosperity with their help.
As much as the brain is powerful, so also it is extremely delicate. To protect it and maintain its activity, it is very essential to save it from unrequited heat. If we wish to take proper work from it, it is essential to create balanced conditions for it. The brain is subjected to severe heat from the sun, as well as by over hot water and chemicals, but it is also subjected to heat produced by excitement, and the damage to unorganized mind is in direct proportion to the extent of such excitement.
When excitement increases, man lapses into semi-madness and his imagination, decisions and activity all appear strange. If the actions and activities of a person ridden by anger are carefully observed, one can conclude that very little is now remaining for him to become mad. If the mind possessed by boiling anger is not cooled in time, then a situation can occur in which a person may commit murder, suicide and other cruel acts.
A face full of anger looks like demon's face and signs of excitement become clearly visible on the eyes, lips, nose etc. The person uses abusive language, the body-temperature rises because of increased blood-circulation, the hands and legs start trembling and the hair stands on end.
Blood pressure is of two types, high and low blood pressure and hence a change in blood-pressure may affect either. In the condition of high blood pressure, there is a feeling of increased discomfort and suffocation. The symptoms of low blood pressure are different, but there is discomfort all the same due to other types of effects on the body.
Increased blood-pressure can be linked to anger and low blood-pressure to sad feelings. Feelings and actions full of malice, contempt, aggression, destruction and cruelty come within the ambit of anger whereas feeling and actions of despair, worry, sorrow, fear and shyness come within th sphere of sadness. They can be considered similar to high and low tide, capable of creating instability and disorganization. Everyone knows how difficult it is to swim in a sea full of high waves.
The mental condition of sorrowing, fearful and despairing individual ruins even a strong health in no time. The face looks devoid of life. The voice becomes weak. It appears as if the body is half-dead. One does not feel like doing any work, appetite and thirst vanish and one finds it very difficult to get sleep.
Almost the same situation occurs in anger. The difference is only this much, that when the feeling of sadness dominates the conditions is like the freezing and melting of ice whereas in the state of anger, it is like scorching and burning. As it is, in either situation, the ordinary situation gets destroyed and not only the mind or the brain but also the body becomes incapable of day-to-day routine.
On observing the effects of excitement, it is found that excitement produces a severe shock on the capacity for routine work. The eyes, ears, nose and tongue are able to work half-heartedly, that too with great effort. There is no taste in the mouth. The ears hear imaginary sounds. Very little is remembered of the events that have happened be fore the eyes. The body temperature raises hair stand on end, breathing becomes faster and heart beats and blood circulation become faster. These symptoms collectively destroy to a large extent the life-force. It may be all right if such a thing occurs once in a while but if this disorganized situation, like a bad habit, becomes a part of one's mental make-up, then it is useless to expect stability or happy possibilities in an individual.
Mental instability is said to be caused by circumstances and a person offers excuses like, "It is not my fault. The circumstances were such that I became the victim of excitement or sadness." On the face of it, this logic appears both straight and true, but this is not reality. Different people react differently under the same situation. While one person becomes berserk with a slightly unfavorable situation, another person is able to remain calm and stable in a similar or even more unfavorable situation. This second type of person considers it as the routine ups and downs in life and is not at all perturbed or afraid. He reacts by trying to find solutions for the unfavorable conditions and feels that it is foolish to become perturbed just because the situation has gone against expectations.
Normally one does not come across mental disease. Hence the harm caused by mental illness is not visible to the naked eye, but one gradually comes to understand it. Normally a mental patient shows arrogant and supercilious behavior. One cannot make out that, trapped in some perversity; he is losing his basic capacity and getting sucked into the quicksand of more perversities.
There is damage to the society because of mental diseases, which is much more than the loss caused by physical illnesses. Many persons have made significant achievement in various fields despite physical illnesses, but it has never happened that a mentally ill patient has had any achievement to his credit.
The number of totally mad persons is increasing so fast that it appears that all the other illnesses are lagging behind in the race. The society can be saved from the havoc of he mad people only when more space is allotted to the building of mental asylums compared to the space allotted for jails. Half-mind, whimsical, unbalanced, disorganized and shallow people have increased to such an extent in the society that mentally healthy people in th society are now in a minority. More people suffering from mental vicariousness can be seen these days compared to those suffering from physical illnesses. This class of people is an obstacle in the organization and progress of an already fragmented society.
Continue in "Mental Balance 1"

Gayatri is a Unique Solution for Problems

It is absolutely easy to be liberated from sins by Gayatri worship. The specialty of Gayatri worship is that when the resonance of the innate powers within its 24 letters occurs within the heart, the sattogun (virtue) within thoughts increased day-by-day and as a result changes occur in the nature and program of the person. One in whose heart virtuous thoughts increase; the same excellence will also be there in his deeds.
A person's nature is not any definite or permanent thing. It keeps on changing according to situations and sentiments. It is not necessary that person who is sinful to-day will remain sinful throughout life. Similarly it cannot also be said that a person who is a gentleman with good conduct to-day, will remain so in future also.
Situations and sentiments can bring about such a change in a person that he will appear completely transformed. Sin is a type of mental condition and habit. It is within man's power to give up sin by strength of mind. The mental strength necessary for the change by giving up sin is created in promising measure by Gayatri-worship and the means for inner transformation become easily available. Liberation from sins is as easy as shaving one's bearded. It is not proper for a sinful person to think that - since he has been on the wrong path up to now and adopted sinful thoughts and performed bad deeds, how is his reform possible? This disappointment is improper because every fallen person can rise up, every sinner can become pure.
Many a times it is seen that man performs wicked deeds because of helplessness, ignorance, bad company, curiosity or force of circumstances. At that time, he does not think that such sin is terrible. Afterwards, with his mental development, the same wickedness appears very horrible. But because those sinful acts were carried out because of wretched mental condition, the related punishment is also small. According to man's conscience, compassion is felt at the time of killing; therefore it is a sin for him. In man's mental situations too there can be small or big vibrations due to various reasons. During such mental conditions sins committed in mental weakness due to ignorance are not considered serious in the eyes of God although traditionally believed to be so.
Sometimes it so happens that with good intentions, a man performs some deeds which - according to traditional code of conduct - are considered very big sins. But when looked at judicially, they are not considered so despicable, but many a time not only forgivable fut the same bad acts become praiseworthy also. When a person kills someone for rubbing his wealth, it becomes a terrible sin. A judge of some court of law passes a death-sentence on some anti-social person for protecting the rule of law and an executioner carries out the sentence - they are performing their duties. If someone risks his life to save someone from terrorists and killed them, then it becomes a virtue. All the three have 'killed' some life, but the killings are with different results, therefore all three are not considered sinful in the same way.
Stealing is a bad act. But according to circumstances, that too does not remain a bad deed. One who is prosperous and yet unjustly robs others is decidedly a thief. Take another example - in a situation of loss of life through severe hunger, if a person tries to protect his life by robbing something from a prosperous man, it is no big sin. In a third situation, by robbing a wicked person of his means - making him powerless and putting such means to good use is an act of virtue. All the three thieves cannot be treated as sinners at the same level.
Many a time - because of situations, helplessness, necessity for religious protection or little intellectual development - such acts are performed which appear damnable, but the intention behind them is not sinful. Such acts cannot be termed as sins. Among those who can be included in the list of sinners, most people are such that they had to perform undesirable acts because of some of the above reasons, but later on they became normal. They became helpless because of situations, lack of solutions, and habits, and slipped into wickedness. They would have definitely become good individuals if they were in good situations, or received good facilities and obtained proper means for progress and satisfaction.
However sinful a person in the eyes of law and public opinion, but in reality the number of sinners in this world is very small. People who became wicked because of the force of circumstances can be reformed because every soul is pure because the soul is a part of God.
Please follow its next part "Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-1"

Lose Not Your Heart

Those who are devoid of spiritual thinking and merely carry out social service become mesmerized by their own success or virtues. They start believing themselves as servants of humanity. In such a situation they expect that people should praise them and obey them. Their false sense of pride makes them enemies of many people. Therefore instead of becoming real servants of people they become their destroyers.
Man cannot develop humility nor can he develop the capacity for self-improvement without the basis of spiritual thinking. He goes on committing one mistake after another and thus makes his own life miserable.
All of your problems can be solved with the help of the Nepalese culture and way of thinking. The government can protect your rights but it can not develop the thought process where from your happiness or misery arises. This can only be achieved by spiritual enlistment.
Only Nepalese culture has the real strength to turn into a human being. This culture teaches us that man is born to love man, and certainly not for quarrelling and fighting. If each and every programmed of Gayatri Parivar is carried on properly, the Sun of Nepalese culture will see a new dawn.
If you with to achieve peace of mind, develop inherent capacity as well as strength. Take the help of your conscience. One may deceive the entire world, but who can deceive one's own conscience? If you consult your conscience for every work, you will be able to maintain your moral discretion. If you are able to act according to the moral direction of your conscience, you will be able to succeed even though the whole world may be against you.
The spiritual downfall of a person starts at the very moment when he starts thinking about himself as the most virtuous and incomparable.
Real success lies in making your life meaningful with intelligent thinking, and intelligent thinking lies in dedicating your life towards the pursuit of the following rules-Goodwill towards all, utilizing available time with discipline and good behavior, making efforts for others' welfare, using speech only for good work, earning your livelihood only by honest means, frequently remembering Almighty God every day, not neglecting one's duty and not being upset when things go wrong.
By giving up the pursuit of materialism only, it will be extremely difficult to awaken the feeling of renunciation without dissolving one's own ego.
Arise! Awake!! Stop not till your goal is achieved!!! Enmity will not increase if we ignore it as trivial. When someone tries to harm us by ill-will and by refusing to be provoked to a reply. One must mentally accept that only silence is the most befitting reply. One who does his duty and does not try to find shortcomings in others is always at peace within himself.
Ups and downs are a part of life. Be cheerful, keep smiling. What is the use of a face that cannot laugh nor even smile?
Anyone who wants to maintain his mental strength should not be irritated by criticism from others.
You have also to learn that you will have to bear some difficulties as a part of life. This is a part of the rule - "as you sow, so shall you reap" and is a result of your earlier acts. Any wirk which produces doubts tiredness and despair also has inherent strength. Finish your work and then step aside. Let the result of your work flow forth in the river of time.
Choose the work for which you are capable and then pour everything in it. Do not despair by any event. You have a right only on your actions and not on the actions of others. Do not criticize, do not have expectations, and do not be afraid. In the end everything will turn out well. Experiences are a part of life. Despair not as you are leaning against a sound support. Please follow its second article "lose not your heart -1"

Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-1

Many people think that they have committed so many sins, such wicked deeds and the list of their known and unknown sins is so big, that they cannot be reformed, so how can they achieve salvation? People who think in this manner should know that as soon as they take a vow to walk on the path of good deeds, the old dirty lice-ridden cloak of vices is automatically cast off. By shedding off sins and desires and sincerely repenting for them, we are liberated from the bad results of our bad deeds. Only those traits of acts of our past births which are destined to be borne as prarabdha (fate) have to be born at some time or other during this vehicle of more sins. The punishment under God's law of fate can be lightened by not resorting to wickedness and repenting for earlier sins and it is also possible to be forgiven.
The mental strength through Gayatri -worship definitely helps to remove innumerable bad tendencies, habits and sinful attitudes of the worshipper. Many people ask, "I have so-and-so bad tendency, I have not paid any attention to avoiding non-vegetarian food, I have committed certain bad deeds. Can I be deserving of Gayatri-worship?" Such people should very well understand that Gayatri is a kind of soap. When soap has been created for removing dirt, then it is useless to think whether dirty clothing deserves the use of soap. The use of Gayatri is like a spiritual soap to remove the bad impressions and influences and dualities and controversies within the mind. Hence a sinful person should not hesitate to use it.
Liberation from evil tendencies is definite and easy with inner transformation. It is neither impossible nor surprising if to-day's sinner becomes a saint to-morrow. Authors of scriptures have told this straight-forward tale with great emphasis on the destruction of sins through Gayatri-worship.
It is understood that one can be freed from the punishment for past deeds by certain means, and then evil people will go on committing sins and then resort to the above means by thinking that now their past sins have been annihilated. They will think of further committing the sinful acts and resorting to the prayers for destroying the sins thus mistakenly thinking that they will get the benefit from their bad deeds and simultaneously get the added benefit of freedom from the sins.
One must remove this misconception from its roots. If man goes on committing more sins, he remains sinful only. There is no question of his sins being washed out through prayers. If simultaneously he commits sins also. When man starts despising sinful acts and saves himself from bad thoughts - like cleansing from urine and faces - then on achieving this state of mind, he will not have the inclination to adopt the path of sin. He will not expect that God will accept a small bribe of prayers and forgive his continuity of sins.
But in God's office, those person cases are considered with a liberal attitude, who has given up bad deeds, and not only given up bad tendencies but repented for past mistakes. For the banishment of crimes, the rule of punishment is put into effect - when children do something wrong, the mother scolds them, when a disciple becomes tardy, the teacher takes up the cane, when the societal rules are disturbed, the local council dispenses punishment, when the law is broken, fines, jail, extolment or death-sentence is their. God has provided for punishment of sins through punishment from deities, bodily ailments and material wants or scarcity. This rule of law is not meant as revenge or 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for - a tooth'; but it is created on the basis of highspiritual science. The reason is that as a result of the unhappiness caused by 'punishment' there is a commotion within man's mind, a certain reaction, which shocks his hidden, thinking and he gives up the faulty path to return to the proper path.
Through punishment from others, we are forced to commit penance for our purification. If we willingly adopt this method for ourselves, willingly undergo penance for our open and hidden sins, and then it is innumerable times better compared to the penance forced on because of others. There is neither insult, nor revenge nor dejection - instead, because of woeful penance there is spiritual joy, and valor and courage manifest and our prestige increases in the eyes of others. The fire of the soul is required for the eradication of sins. The creation of this fire gives double benefits, one - destruction of harmful tendencies, sins, and two - development, nourishment and increase in divine qualities through the same warmth and brightness, and as a result the seeker becomes an ascetic, mentally strong and luminous.
"Continue in another article "Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-2"

Mental Balance 2

Remaining part of the mental balance - 1
How can the all-destructive anger be controlled? It has been seen that despite resolving firmly not to become angry, many a time such situations arise that our resolve breaks does and anger bursts forth. Only when the mind is at peace, the person realizes that he had become angry. When a man becomes angry on someone without harming him, he express anger on own self because he wants to punish himself and thereby causes personal loss. Thus, anger takes a person to the state of madness.
Intelligent and thoughtful persons do not allow anger to grip them although the reason for anger exists. They take the support of discretion and control this harmful impulse and thus save themselves from harm. Daily some event takes place from which one derives cheer and happiness. Sometimes on seeing someone we feel sadness and revulsion. With some events related to us we feel pain, dejection, anger, excitement etc. The body suffers from reactions in the form of excitement etc and the centre of all these reactions is the brain. Because the brain is the controller and administrator of the body, the changes occurring there influence the body also. This has always been a subject of research for psychiatrists.
Mental tension or pressure caused by anger, revulsion, suppressed feelings or despair may not only slow down digestion, but it may also cause other disturbances in the digestive system. Ulcers can occur in the stomach and intestines. Symptoms of premature ageing may start with mental tension and pressure.
Thus so many adverse effects are caused on the body because of imbalances of the mind and of all such imbalances; anger is the most vicious and shows its influence immediately.
When the impulses of mental imbalances become intense, the flow of digestive juices may decrease or increase. This disturbs the smooth function of the digestive tract. When the mind is at peace the emotions are of a peaceful nature and the digestive system also works smoothly. Depending on the type of emotion, the flow of the digestive juices may either increase or decrease. If the emotion is of severe fear, the flow decreases and if the emotion is anger, the flow increases.
The poisonous sugar resulting in the internal metabolism because of anger is the most dangerous for digestive system. By its mixture in the blood-flow it spoils it, producing a yellow coloration of the body, tension in the arteries and veins, and pain in the waist. When a child drinks the milk o fan angry mother, he suffers from gripes in the stomach. The milk of a mother who is always angry is sometimes so harmful that the child may start wasting instead of gaining in weight.
Anger destroys not only the body's strength or energy but also mental energy. A man can do hard work for 9 hours with the energy that is spent in expressing anger. Along with destruction of energy, anger puts its indelible stamp on the person's health and destroys the natural beauty of the face. Hence it is in our own interest to save ourselves from anger.
Anger is occasionally necessary for an individual's survival in society. It takes a long time for creating compassion and discretion in the people in whom evil has taken deep roots and by that time such people have done a lot of damage. When an evil person's tendency of harming others becomes intolerable, it becomes necessary to express anger against such a person. This anger must not result from an upset or excited mind but from discretion and proper thinking.
Anger is an expression of opposition to something unpleasant or some deceit against us. It is expressed as excitement or impulse and suppresses the ability to discriminate between right and wrong and then it degenerates into quarrels, bitterness and fights. The family of the emotion of anger is large - imbalance, upset mind, arrogance and intolerance are its family members.
Enmity results from suppressing the outward expression of anger and mentally burning with anger against someone. This enmity causes even greater harm than anger as such. Anger is always a result of haste. When you find that something wrong is going on or if some loss occurs, then do not come to a decision about its cause in haste. Remember that more or less there is a mistake - rather hasty - conclusion about the cause. Therefore wherever something has gone wrong or some loss has occurred, go away from that place, stroll in a nice garden or go a friend, and talk to him. If you can't do any of these, drink a glass of cold water and cool down. There is always loss in increasing the anger and definite benefit in dousing it.
Whenever you get angry, immediately try to divert your mind in some work requiring physical labor. Whenever you get an undesirable result for your work, involve your mind in some study. Also consider daily physical exercise as a must for maintaining physical and mental health.
Just as you learn to control anger, similarly learn to control emotions like worry, unhappiness, upsets etc. Only those who adopt a balanced view for the life can accept various emotions in a neutral and balanced manner. Even then if uncontrollable emotions burst forth in certain circumstances, do not try to suppress them forcibly. The best way of tackling excitement is to remove it from the mind in some way or the other.
The mind's energy

Mental Balance 1

Crime is also a kind of excited behavior which occurs in a man's hyper-excited state of mind. Thieves and robbers understand the damaging effects of their behavior and repent also. They see and hear the progress and honor received by people who have treaded the path of good actions. When others explain this to them, they understand it too. Their morality is roused for some time and they behave like normal, good people. But then somehow, sometimes some waves of disturbed thinking arise and become so uncontrollable that they make them utterly to revert to their earlier criminal ways.
According to psychiatrists this helpless situation in such individuals is similar to that of patients suffering from fever or headache.
From a mental angle, only stability and capacity are the signs of mental health. Brain consists of innumerable components and by a co-ordinate co-operation they carry out their own role in the total working of the brain. If their co-operation is disturbed at some point or co-ordination is deranged then peculiar, big or small mental illnesses can manifest.
There are four components of a balanced mind:
AFFECT - alertness, logical thinking
THOUGHT - flow of thoughts, imagination
BEHAVIOR - transactions, practice
MOOD - estimate, enthusiasm
Various types of mental patients and their symptoms will be seen depending on the extent of imbalance in the co-ordination within any two or more of these four.
In the absence of logical thinking, man is not able to decide about what people will think and say about his actions, what will be the result of his actions. He does not realize the reactions of the people and the results of his actions. He does not stretch his imagination. He is entangled in only the two - the present and his own mind. As a result he performs acts which are laughable, unpleasant and wasteful. He may not suffer monetary loss, but others consider him a person with retarded intelligence or childish because of his complicated thinking and give up and hope for his ability for fulfilling any responsibility. People even entertain themselves and others by fooling them or ridiculing such childish persons.
When thought-processes get disturbed, imagination runs not. Without any sense or knowledge of the availability of means and their situation, such persons think that whatever they imagine will easily be achieved. they are not able to estimate the means and the time required for giving a concrete shape to their imagination. They are not able to imagine that there can be obstructions to their projects and hence a long distance between imagination and success. As a result they are no better mentally than the children living in a fantasy-land of fairy-tales.
The popular Sheikh-chilli of children's stories must have been suffering from such a mental weakness. When such people continuously think illogically, they become incapable of doing their daily work and lose their courage for doing anything without anyone's help.
As a result of disturbance in their behavior and mood mechanisms, it becomes difficult for a man to find out about the 'why' and 'how' of such person's transactions with him. Many a time we see their madness whereby they mistakenly believe their enemies to be their friends. These persons are also paradoxically afraid because of their belief that some person has become their enemies indulging in black-magic against them or plotting to poison them and destroy them. Many are obsessed by an imaginary fear of accident, death, attack, loss, separation, jail etc. Such persons are not even able to decide as to which difficulty can be solved by which solution.
Similarly some people delude into believing that they are leaders, learned persons, kings etc and possess occult powers. Because of spoiled mood, many people take to addictions. 'Sometimes they appear to be full of enthusiasm, happiness, smiling without reason, full of energy, and showing great hopes. At other times they are so much immersed in worries and despair as if the sky has fallen on them. Many persons suffer from the deluded belief that some terrible disease has entered their body or is about to attack them.
Impulses and excitements adversely affect the brain and sometimes a man imagines unwanted projects and when he is not able to achieve success because of lack of means, he becomes extremely upset and in the resulting excitement destroys the sensitivity of the brain. Immoral thoughts are also harmful because by their very nature, they are destructive.
The authors of moral scriptures have also written that anger is sometimes necessary but is totally discarded, how will society combat immorality, injustice, evil and demoniacal activities? Moralists have explained the need for moral anger to combat immorality, injustice, evil and demoniac tendencies. Thoughtless, immoral and rash anger discussed earlier is certainly harmful. Poet Baanbhatta has described anger thus, "A very angry man is blind despite having eyes". It is said in Valmiki Ramayana - Anger takes away life and is the road to total destruction.
With the onset of anger, the muscles of the body start becoming tense and the muscles of hands and legs especially tense up more because these limbs have to play a more risky role during a fight. Tension appears on the face. The result of the tensing of muscles is also seen on the whole body and in addition to hands, legs, and face, other organs also tense up and contract. In addition the respiratory system is also greatly influenced by anger. According to the scientists, all this takes place because in the situation of anger, the energy of the body is quickly depleted. To replenish this spent energy, the lungs become more active and the breathing becomes faster.
This is humbly request that it's continue part can be seen in the "Mental Balance 2"

Lose Not Your Heart 4

In future also you must continue your efforts, but with the attitude of a sportsman. Understanding and logical thinking demand of you to change your attitude with changing times. Attainment of happiness, success, progress, luxury etc should not make you swollen-headed. Conversely, it is pointless to weep or get angry or despair in an unfavorable situation. Instead of weeping and wasting time, utilize the time to change your attitude and exercise your mind to find out a solution. Actually this will prove more beneficial to you. Real intelligence lies in finding happiness from whatever is available and thus maintaining your balance of mind.
When your hands are full with too many jobs at a time, not a single job gets done because the mind is pulled in many directions. This leads to loss of time, energy and more important is - loss of temper. Thus by concentrating thoughts only on one project, you easily achieve mental equilibrium, prevent the loss of effort and energy and start on the path of progress, because you will be completing every task that you undertake.
The fundamental principle of worldly success is to fill your mind with noble thoughts when doing any work. We may not be able to change the situation around us, but can mould ourselves according to the situation and remain cheerful.
Expecting others tobe with us and to do as we say, is the main reason for increasing our mental tension and complicating our lives. The solution to this problem lies in doing our work silently and let others carry on in their own way. Do not try to dominate any one. Also do not waste invaluable time and energy in trying to please everyone.
It is useless to desire that others should listen to us only, be interested in us only and co-operate with us only. This desire is not only wrong, but also harmful. To depend emotionally on others is not beneficial at all.
Mental tension can also be caused by disorganized way of living, needless hurry, being busy during day as well as night and work continuously without a pause. This makes it essential to change your life-style and day-to-day working by intelligent planning for enough rest and relaxation. Man's mental strength is put to good use only by leading a relaxed life enriched with honesty, discipline, good will and being organized and punctual. This helps us to take proper advantage of the capacity given to us by God.
Drink deep from the fountain of joy that comes from doing your duty and keep going without fear in the face of obstacles. This is the essence of religion.
Most great men were men of ordinary caliber in the beginning. But they neither allowed this to lower their high aim nor did they allow despair to dampen their spirits. They went ahead step by step in the strength of confidence and constant efforts. Even in the face of difficulties they were not wavering. Even in unfavorable circumstances they did not falter. Even through they had limited resources and ordinary caliber, their dedication inspired them to sacrifice everything for the country, for their religion and for service to humanity, thus setting an ideal for millions to follow.
Nothing comes from attributing our faults to others. Only we ourselves are responsible for out physical and mental weakness. Doubtless, there may be some influence of some people, certain circumstances and the result of past influences. But three-fourths of our life's passage in this world is influenced by actions guided by our own personal viewpoint. We can certainly solve the difficulties troubling our mind and body by first reforming our selves.
Those who speak quite a lot to advise others but do not put it into practice cannot influence the people. Those who practice what they preach will continue to progress on the spiritual path.

Lose Not Your Heart -2

If we suppress others, then perhaps we may progress indirectly. Just because certain people act against us, by back-biting or finding fault with us or insulting us, should not lead us to think that they are responsible for out failures. This is a mistaken belief.
When old painful memories flood the mind, the best thing to do is to forget them or ignore them, it is essential to forget unpleasant memories and remember pleasant events in their place. If you wish to be physically, emotionally and behaviorally healthy, then forget those events that disturb your emotional equilibrium.
Agreed that one of your "own" persons has made you miserable, and then will you go on continuously remembering it and be in continuous confusion? Dear friend, forget the whole experience, ignore it and involve your mind in some good work. The best solution for freedom from worry is to forget one's misery.
Instead of being under the spell of happiness and unhappiness, establish your mastery over them. This will enable you to get the best out of your experiences and make your life and living mature and more interesting. It is duty of every man to uplift his mental qualities and ennoble his life and therefore you should also fulfill this task by adopting the proper path.
If you do not desire only favorable circumstances and if you are not afraid of difficulties, then you can achieve a lot. Always learn from whatever you achieve and thus enrich your lives, thereby the circumstances which you perceive as obstacles will start appearing favorable because you have learnt to face them and your unhappiness will start dissolving.
Many people lament by saying "nobody listens to me, I am repeatedly saying such and such a thing and aim tired of it, but it has absolutely no effect." According to me the fault lies more with the person who gives instructions than the one receiving them. The man who gives orders, he himself does not have the knowledge about the method of working. Such people should first discover their own faults by introspection. This exercise will reveal their terrible lack of knowledge. When you know how to carry out the work, your instruction will bear the ring of conviction, and hence bear fruit. You may not speak, or speak a little, but involve yourself in the work. Your work will "speak" and in a few days people will be attracted towards you without invitation. Therefore speak less; work more, because the effect of speech lasts for a second whereas the influence of your work is everlasting.
Adventure beckons you. The power to carry out the work connected with the moral responsibilities of the current era beckons you. One cannot afford to ignore this clarion call. Let us welcome the thorny path towards self development and creation of a new world and undoubtedly we shall progress. Why worry about what others say and do? Our conscience itself is enough for guidance in this great task. Others roam in the dark, let them do so. We shall depend on the light of moral guidance and proceed. Why worry about who will support us and who will oppose? Our conscience and moral courage is with us. We shall do only that which is but proper to be done by alert and enlightened persons like us.
The position of the so called reformers is really laughable. They shout from rooftops about bringing in reforms in the religious, spiritual, social and political spheres. But one can clearly see the glaring difference between their speech and action in these fields. In such a situation the hope for a bright future becomes even dimmer.
Are we supposed to sit with folded hands by simply waiting for a bright future? Shall we just believe that we are helpless and not capable, and hope for others to change the situation? This should not be when we are already aware that the potential of man is capable of rising to great heights.
The typhoon-like forces of greed, self importance, fame, success and tension of the rat-race are so powerful that they impel a man to go to great lengths and can flying him anywhere. Generally speaking ordinary people and those lacking spiritually are swept away by these forces. Many such people believing in only some "ism" have strayed in their lives and reached nowhere.

Lose Not Your Heart - 1

A truly learned man neither blames others, nor becomes flush with excitement because of his inherent or achieved strength, nor does he become shaky in the f ace of difficult circumstances.
One must be as afraid of one's ego or false sense of pride as one is afraid of a rabid dog. Just as you do not touch poison or a poisonous snake, cultivate detachment from your achievements, also be aloof from persons who do not believe in your achievements or success, and more important is to direct the activities of your mind and heart towards God.
Too much trust and dependence on others will make you utterly helpless and miserable. Look within your self for direction and not towards others. Your honesty will strengthen your determination and this strengthened determination will take you to your desired goal.
Whatever happens, let is be. Whatever is said about you let it be said. You should consider them as inane as the mirage. It you have renounced or rejected worldly pursuits, how can these worthless matters affect your composure? Do not slacken even for a moment. Your effort in finding out your own weaknesses or faults for correction. Only therein lies real personal enlistment.
Take advantage of every moment, every opportunity. Time passes quickly and the lost moment never returns. Get on with your work with total self-involvement; you will reach your goal. Do not be upset over anything. Have faith, not in the capacity of a man, but that of God. Only the Almighty will show and lead you on to the noble path.
Develop forbearance. Understand your responsibility, instead of observing the faults of others and cruising them, observe closely your own faults. If you are unable to control your speech, use it against yourself instead of others.
First of all discipline yourself because self-realization cannot be attained without personal experience. Politeness, straight forwardness, saintliness and forbearance are the main qualities necessary for self-realization.
Do not worry about how others behave with you; be ready for self-upliftment by improving your own behavior, if you grasp this truth, then be happy that you have understood the mystery of a very big principle.
Always keep your mind occupied, let it not remain idle. Be serious towards life's purpose. The tremendous task of upliftment of the soul is before you and time is very short. If you stray from the path by your own negligence, then only you have to suffer and the worse will be in store for you.
It you maintain patience and hope, and then you will develop the fitness to face every situation in the life. Stand on your own feet. If necessary, challenge the whole world. You should be satisfied only after attaining high goals. Others are looking for worldly treasures but you should delve for the treasure within your heart.
Great men have always walked alone on their path and for that reason have always gone a long way. They have carried out great deeds only is inspiration from within. Not only that, they have always been happy with themselves. They have never desired removal of their unhappiness by the help of others. They have always taken the help of their own ideas and thoughts.
Loneliness is the undeniable truth of life, but to be afraid of it or to feel inferior because of it and to feel despair and lose enthusiasm for the task before you is the biggest sin. Having recourse to being along with one's own self is a powerful source for developing your hidden strength. By relying on your own self, you will be able to discover your own great strength.
The day you develop faith in your own hands, feel and heart your soul will proclaim aloud - Go on alone ….. Onward you go on alone.
Castles of nope by depending on others are like building castles in the air, unreal and worthless. To hope for results by total dependence on others is nothing but destroying one's originality and initiative. Passing life by depending on others, ultimately results in lame helplessness.
Understand that when you make someone else as your life's navigator, your boat is adrift in an endless stream.
Love is the only great power with which your life can progress in every direction. You cannot bring about a change in someone's thinking without love. Proper way of thinking and trust are built up by prolonged association based on goodwill and good thoughts. Ultimately this means love radiating thoughts of goodwill and that invaluable commodity called trust.
We have to resort to love to change the thought patterns of others to our way of thinking. Mere logic and intelligence are not enough. Have faith that the world will be only too eager to listen to all your talk which is full of love and sympathy.
Most of us force others to follow our ways of thinking and life. We obdurately try to force others to think and act according to our beliefs. In trying to reform others forcibly or to force out thoughts down their throats, we neither reform others nor do we ourselves feel happy. Please follow its second article "lose not your heart -1

Lose Not Your Heart -3

Do not wander away. When you come at such a point in your life, remember the day when the sapling of faith burst forth in your heart. Remember your earlier enthusiasm for hard work and try to find out whether the same is not ebbing away.
Burning desire to achieve something can inspire a man to work a hundred times more than his normal capacity, so much work, that you will be amazed at what you have achieved single- handedly. From creating such a verity and volume of literature for creating a national and international network and ushering in a character-building revolution to create over 2400 Ashrams. How were these started and successfully carried out. A burning desire to achieve and hard work to bring it about are inherent in this.
Had I tarried, then perhaps I would have become a lowly person for whom getting a daily meal would also have been a problems. May be that my sole purpose would have been just to accumulate money for personal pleasure by hook or crook but then I would not have been able to carry out this Himalayan task.
Instead of looking at the shortcomings of others discover your own faults. Before criticizing anyone, first ascertain whether you have any shortcoming. If so, first remove your own weakness. The time wasted in criticizing others should be utilized in self-improvement, and then you will agree that after removing criticism and malice from your heart you experience bliss more often.
Oh ye people, who want to conquer the world, first try to conquer your own self. If you achieve this, you can realize your dream of winning the world. When people observe that you have conquered your desires, they will automatically like to follow you because they perceive in you an "ideal" which is worth following and no one will oppose you.
"What to do, circumstance are not favorable, no one helps us, and there are no opportunities" - such complaints are useless. People blame others in this way just to please themselves or to cover personal shortcomings. People vacillate between belief in luck and belief in deities for granting their wishes. The reason for this is lack of confidence in one's own self.
When we see that others are happy, we start doubting God's justice but fall to perceive that they have achieved this status by dint of hard work. Do we have this right mental attitude for honest hard work? God is not partial to anyone! He has freely distributed to every one the strength of spirit for upliftment.
When you see yourself surrounded by despair and lack of success, and then understand that your mind is not stable and you are unsure of yourself. Until you discard your rotten thoughts, you cannot come out of the present misery. Until you develop the confidence that you are capable of creating favorable conditions, you cannot walk the path of progress. Later on if you do not discipline yourself, it is quite likely that the divine spark in you starts diminishing.
If you wish to extricate yourself from the present unpleasant situation, throw out your mental weakness and replace it with awakened self-confidence.
Do not rue or feel sorry for repeated failures. Life is long and hence ignores the failures. Start all over again and stride forward. Always be busy, success will be yours, if not to=day, certainly after some time. D o not beg for help from others, because in reality, no one has as much capacity that they can help you. Do not blame others for any difficulty because others are not capable of causing pain to you. You yourself are your own best friend and your own worst enemy. Whatever condition, good or bad, is your own creation. Change your attitude and the next moment the hell-like fear surrounding you will vanish.
Do not pay too much attention to what others think about your projects and objectives. If they think of you as over-imaginative lone-wolf and running after dreams, simply ignore it. Have faith in yourself. Do not let your confidence be waver on the say - so of someone or with the onset of some crisis. If you maintain faith in self and stride forward, sooner or later your path will become clear. "Please follow the article Lose Not Your Heart 3"

Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-2

All the scriptures at every step of life, some ritual, fast (including prayers), charity, bath, code of thinking and conduct etc are considered in detail with this in view so by adopting them, the seeker can get these double benefits.
If we have committed some mistake, sin or wicked act, then the real solution for removing their bad effects is that we make a firm resolve not to do such a thing again. In addition if a little penance is also performed, then that resolve gets a boost and its implementation becomes firmer. Along with this, an attitude of a life of virtue gains momentum creates vitality and creates better and better nature, deeds and qualities through which a life of purity, devotion and goodwill becomes easy. In this manner a penance based on the strength of Gayatri can wash out even the biggest sins.
It is possible to wash out one's sins or not? When thinking on this question we must very well understand that the soul is clean, pure, unadulterated, knowledgeable and unattached. Transparent glass and transparent vessels are by themselves pure; they do not have any color, but if you put any colored water in it, then the vessel will look as if it has that color. If water with another color is added, the color will once again change. Man is also in a similar situation. By its very nature, the soul is without any fault, but it appears according to the qualities, deeds or attitudes enveloping it.
The soul is always faultless, it is changeless - only the mind, intelligence, chitta (the part of the mind concentration with concentration) and the ego get colored due to various influences, and because of them man appears unnatural, wretched and perverted. If a change is brought in this condition, it is not difficult for to-day's wicked man to become a to-morrow's saint.
A man, who has spent most of his past life on the wrong path or has whiled away most of his life, cannot achieve any purpose by feeling unhappy, disappointed or by repenting. The remaining part of life is no less important. The king Parikshit had only one week of his life left. He utilized this period purposefully with full determination and obtained what he wanted - beneficial salvation.
It is a palpable truth that compared to the people termed 'straight' such as mentally retarded, fools, cowards and people with weak health those who are active, alert, vital, valorous and diligent are able to achieve spiritual progress faster. The reason is that in people with low vitality, the source of energy has very limited capacity. Even if they remain devotees and of pure conduct, even then because of less innate energy, their progress is extremely slow. But those who are energetic, and have within themselves the dynamo of vitality and valor - whenever they act in any direction, will achieve heaps of success. Those who have kept their flag flying high in roguish acts, are definitely powerful, but their energy is misdirected. If this same energy is utilized in good deeds, then they can achieve astonishing success in that direction also.
Spiritual progress is also one type of diligence. Only those people can go along this path whose muscles have strength, which are industrious and have tremendous courage and enthusiasm.
The loving lap of Gayatri is always there, even for those who have strayed from the path, walked along the road of wickedness and have carried out innumerable bad deeds. If they repent for their past deeds, take a vow not to repeat them, and are eager to walk the good path, then they can once again get back their natural spiritual qualities and purity. There is definite progress on this path through Gayatri-worship. Even though all the bad tendencies will not disappear together, but the bad tendencies will gradually diminish in proportion to the power of prayers Gayatri worship invariably results in improvement of good qualities, good thoughts and good deeds.
It is evident that most unhappiness in this world is a result of our sins. Many a time our deed gives immediate results - in the form of assault by people whom we have harmed, or by social disgrace, loss or harm resulting from dissatisfaction and non-co-operation from people or from punishment by the state. Even if someone escapes from these, entire nobody can save himself from God's impartial justice. It can be easily inferred by looking at physically and mentally handicapped, sub-normal, chronically ill persons that these people are suffering divine punishment. When carrying out our duties properly, sometimes a sudden crisis confronts us or success is not there despite efforts, then we are forced to say that this is fate as a result of deeds in our past girths.
We should deal with others in the same manner as we expect others to deal with us. We should consciously strive to save ourselves from achieving our interests at the ca\ost of harming others.
Gayatri is that alarm-bell which tells us not to walk on the path of sin. God is present everywhere, he does not take sides. Not a single sin of yours remains hidden from him, nor can you save yourself form the effects of any sin. Aum bhoor bhoovaha swaha, these words in the first line of the mantra constantly teach us that we should always deal with others with friendliness, warmth, love, generosity, honesty, helpfulness, and pleasance. One whom Mother Gayatri has blessed with this attitude will undoubtedly be released from many social afflictions.
Continue to the next article "Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-3"

Gayatri - A Unique Solution For Problems-3

People do not cooperate with us to the required extent - our family members' neighbors and near ones - if there is opposition, malice, conflict and quarrel with them. When we expect good will from them, even then it is not available. Instead, because they are our opponents, they go on creating obstacles and will not miss any opponents; they go on creating obstacles and will not miss any opportunity for conspiring to harm us. Injuries like court-cases, theft, dacoit, killings, boycott, insult, complaint, back-biting, slander, fault-finding are rarely accidental - most of the time there is the deep malice of old enmity working behind it. Mostly a dissatisfied or malicious person's hand is behind such activities.
The biggest obstacles in our progress are that those who are capable of helping us withdraw their helping hand. If a few persons give their backing to someone, he can achieve promising progress with a little help from them. An important reason for the success of all the successful people in the world is their assistants. A person may be highly learned, extremely intelligent, clever and powerful, but in the absence of cooperation, he cannot achieve anything important and will become handicapped. Non-co-operation may not be as harmful as malice, but that too can become a mountain-like obstacle for progress. Malice is a virulent disease, non cooperation is a mild disease, both belong to the same caste, the difference is only in degree, but the result of both is undesirable.
With the passing away of the near and dear ones, many people become intensely unhappy and they lament the separation day and night. The reason for this mourning is discarding of the sentiment of nearness and getting trapped in attachment. The feeling of nemeses is a generous and all encompassing element. In this type of feeling, our family members are considered as God's gift and a medium for fulfillment of our service. One who understands in this way will not feel unhappy when the soul of a person (who is a part of God) performs the normal process of changing the body. If God takes away one medium of service, we can always serve someone else. The principal reason for unhappiness is that because of the shock of the death of someone, we lose our composure and think of the dead near one as our property and think that we have suffered a loss in our joy, self-interest, hope etc.
Momentary happiness is very attractive, charming and tempting. A person with a narrow view-point gets tempted in it and suffers very much like birds tempted by grains and trapped in a hunter's net. Gayatri warns us about the pitfalls of this temptation and teaches, "Son, you are not the body, but the soul, salvation by becoming a victim of greed, indulgence of desires and senses, and temptations. Look to your permanent benefits and interests and sacrifice your temptations. Sensual pleasures are momentary but their bad effects remain for a long time. The happiness of being wealthy remains only for a short time, but the wickedness taught by immorally earned wealth, and the thorns sown for the future - their bad results live on for a long time. Such short-sighted persons get trapped into many types of addictions.
One who has faith on Gayatri, becomes a far-seeing person of visionary by obeying the second instruction of the Mother in the second part of the mantra. By understanding that addictions kill the vitality of life or life itself, he immediately becomes resolute to discard them. He becomes an opponent of the habits of intoxicants. If he is addicted to such a substance, he gives it up courageously and cautions others against the same. By controlling his lust and tongue, he uses them sparingly and with sagacity. He adopts the policy of observing strict celibacy for a long time and eating only simple food at regular time only. By resorting to fasts, he controls all the senses. He prepares his busy schedule by being careful that not a single moment should be wasted and every moment fruitfully utilized. He loves labor like his own life and feels happy by doing work personally.
The second portion of Gayatri takes us to that position in which a person enjoys in peace the joy which is his birthright. People are not free for self-study, do not have time for physical exercise, do not get time for worship, cannot tear themselves away from 'work' for public service, do not have time for music which elates the mind, and no time for travel, swimming or meeting saints. The reason is only one, viz, that in comparison to their principal activity, such people consider all the above as extremely petty and do not consider them worth for any attention. Leisure is not available for only that work which is not considered essential or important. The work which we consider essential, we finish it first while ignoring others. When the attraction for money is extremely powerful, one does not get the leisure for making one's happy and lofty.
Good intelligent thinking unravels many tangles in our life and roots out many troubles very easily. Many people, unhappy over lack of money or progeny, when they think over the third part of the Gayatri mantra, their eyes open up and they are able to realize their mistakes. Then they start thinking that lack of these things or their existing in a limited way is not a bad situation. Because of this lack, they are able to get the required time and opportunity for progressing in other directions. They are saved from many worries, burdens and wicked acts. A man with just enough income indeed gains more benefits compared to the man who plunges into day-and-night activities of earning 'by any means' for possessing a lot of wealth and comforts. When the light of Gayatri increases in our head, then poverty, wretchedness, feeling of inferiority and wants, start reducing.
The message of the fourth portion of Gayatri is that we should intelligently utilize favorable and unfavorable situations; we should expect the best future and be prepared to face the worst. If we think of difficulties as only challenges for increasing our efforts, and do not become afraid, then certainly no unpleasant situation can make us unhappy and will not be an obstacle for our cheer. If we adopt the good thinking of remaining cheerful, then we will be easily freed from the bad tendency of becoming unhappy for petty reasons. Life is for playing with a spirit of sportsmanship. Actors perform various roles on the stage but are personally not influenced by the character which they portray. Life has to be carried on the same spirit.
When God takes someone under his shelter, which He wishes to liberate, He makes the fate of such a person bearable so that such devotees quickly become liberated from the burdens of the acts of the past births - thus liberated, the soul does not have to be drawn into the vicious circle of births and deaths. On the one hand, the burden of past-births deeds is over and on the other hand, his inner purity goes on increasing. Because of these benefits on both sides, he progresses with great speed towards the ultimate goal.
Ordinarily, God makes one undergo many bitter experiences for the development of many good qualities. Because of the death of one's own child, the element of pure love flowers forth in the element of mourning and such a person wishes to shower more love on other children.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Observe the Best Tradition

Scriptures have so beautifully divided into phases the course of human life for saving the human being from painful situations that man can get the full joy of human life and yet not get any occasion for making his future dark for indifference to God or being burdened under His obligations. This arrangement is before us as the special activities in the first and second halves of life. Four phases of life are ordained in Hindu scriptures - these four phases are Brahmacharya-Ashram (student life with celibacy). Gruhastha- Ashram (life as a householder), Vanprasth- Ashram (or gradual detachment from physical world and doing social work) and Sannyas-Ashram (renunciation).Among the four phases, Brahmachary- Ashram and gruhasth-Ashram are meant for worldly achievement and enjoyment by developing your strength through people's co-operation. It is also mentioned in the scriptures to discharge one's obligations in these first two phases, but the second half of life is considered essential for discharge of obligation. Vanprasth-Ashram and Sannyas-Ashram are included in the second half. They are as useful and essential as learning, marriage and earning money in the first half.
It is seen that people despise those peoplt who cannot study, cannot get married or cannot earn money, as unsuccessful, but it is really surprising that those who are indifferent to their duty for the latter-half of life are not looked down upon. Actually such persons should be criticized just like criticism heaped upon a boy who shirks going to school or criticism on man for his vagrancy and not earning money. One who does not discharge his debt or obligation despite an opportunity, whose desire is to take loan and run away, such a person loses value in the eyes of others. Similarly a person, who, on attaining the age of 50 years, does not accept the duty of serving others, it is but proper if such people are declared as social-culprits and socially boycotted. Committees of castes and clans punish a person by out casting etc when he breaks a rule of their caste or clan. It would be much better if the householders - who with to wallow like worms in the mud of desires and passions - are also punished likewise. As soon as the eldest children become mature enough, family responsibilities should be gradually transferred to them. As soon as we feel confident about the eldest son's capacity to look after the family, then most available time should be employed in discharging societal debt. This itself is the purpose of the third phase of life, called Vanprasth-Ashram

Gayatri Tantra

"Do not divulge this Mantra to the disciple of any other person, especially one who is not devoted. If this is done, it may result in death."
What has been stated above is indicative of the fact that Tantra is a secret science and it is not desirable to indiscriminately disclose it to other. Tantrik Sadhanas are very difficult, as difficult as picking up pearls from the bottom of the ocean. Divers risk their lives and dive deep into the ocean and lay hand on pearls with great difficulty, but during this process they have to encounter the dangerous creatures of the ocean. An acrobat displays his feats, attracts people and earns praise but if there is any mishap, one can imagine what would be his lot?
Tantra amounts to waging war against nature and gaining victory over its powers. For this, extra-ordinary efforts are required and their reactions are also equally extra-ordinary. When a stone is thrown in water there is disturbance on the water's surface. A Tantrik Sadhak attacks nature by his secret Sadhana to attain its hidden powers. Nature counter attacks ferociously and as such this Sadhana is fraught with grave risks.
When a gun is fired there is a powerful back-push and a terrible sound is produced. If the gunman is weak he can fall flat on his back by the jerk and start trembling by its crashing sound. Snakes are found near a sandal-wood tree, roses are surrounded by thrones. The stings of honey-bees have to be faced for obtaining honey. Tantrik Sadhanas are also frightful pursuits which are full of frightful hazards. Had it not been so, anybody could have easily achieved those powers of the occult.
The pursuits of Tantra Sadhana are as difficult as walking on the cutting edge of a sword and for this one must possess adequate initiative, courage, firmness, fearlessness and patience. One can attain success only if he performs Sadhana devotedly with a steady mind under the guidance of an experienced guide. It has been observed that some people perform Tantrik Sadhana to subjugate some evil spirit, ghost or devil. During the Sadhana they encounter dreadful scenes and if they are overpowered by those evil spirits they have to face terrible consequences. Several such people fall seriously ill, some become mad, some even die.
Tantra is a provocatively violent system which created powerful vibration resulting in heat and excitement in the nature, In the summer the temperature shoots up on account of terrible rays of the Sun giving rise to dust-storms, tempests and heat waves. Some people suffer from sun-stroke, dust particles enter into the eyes of some persons while others suffer from boils, pimples, ulcers etc. Trees get uprooted and thatched roofs are blown away, In Tantra Sadhana also similar violent disturbances are created and heat waves and dust-storms of subtle type are encountered which create terrific vibrations in the human mind. Due to these vibrations several dreadful entities like ghosts, devils, demons etc seem to appear from nowhere. If the Sadhak lacks the courage to face these terrifying scenes smilingly he becomes awe-struck and non-pulsed and his life is endangered.
Everyone cannot face such difficulties. It requires a courageous mental background to do so. A man himself cannot decide whether or not he is capable of performing Tantra Sadhana. Just as a patient cannot treat himself, a student cannot learn all by himself. That is why an experienced guide is required to learn Tantrik Sadhana. The guide examines the would be student's mental background and decides which particular Sadhana is useful for him. Tantra Sadhanas are, thus, performed according to the tradition of teacher and taught. The guide or teacher, who is called Guru, strictly enjoins upon the student to keep this Sadhana secret so that he may not be tempted to misuse it.
If the power acquired by Tantrik Sadhana is misused it may create chaos and harm people. If a person gets money by gambling without doing hard work, he will not be able to utilize it wisely and purposefully. It is, therefore, kept quite secret and any and every person is not entitled to perform this Sadhana.
Gayatri has its rightist (Dakshin) as well as leftist (Vam) method of worship. It incorporates Yoga as well as Tantra. It leads not only to self-realization and God-realization but also to material achievements. It also helps in elimination of the evil. Gayatri Yoga is rightist method of Sadhana which fulfills the purpose of self-realization. Gayatri Tantra is the leftist method (Vam-Marg) by which worldly objects could be obtained and evil persons or influences could be neutralized. It is an extremely secret method. In books relating to Gayatri Tantra, there is symbolic description about achieving money, progeny, women, health, and position, victory over enemies, and sway over other by enchantment through Tantrik Sadhana. It should, however, be kept in mind that a detailed procedure is to be followed and an exactly prescribed performance of rituals is required, which has not been explicitly mentioned in the Tantra books. It can be learnt only from experienced experts.

The Clarion Call of Mahakal

Understand the value of time and utilize it in God's work. Bhagwan Mahakal ahs called you. He has called you for the purpose of solving the world's problems and for uplifting the wayward ones. He wants you to surrender yourself for these big tasks. If you do it, you will get tremendous satisfaction, cheer and honor. This is the testing time. If you have courage and your discretion directs you accordingly, then go ahead. Utilize your time in the big task of resurgence of the era. Your courage will prove its importance just as it proved for the legendary Hanuman and Arjun of yore and fulfilled them.
After reading this article if the desire arises in your heart for doing something for the uplift of society, nation, culture and removing the hardships troubling the society, then you can, ( through the medium of the following plans and projects) take part in the resurgence of the era.
1. The followers of the Gayatri mission have organized Yug Sena (the army of the era) locally for the purpose of playing active role for resurgence through seven revolutionary tasks. All the members of the Gayatri family a re requested that they organize men and women with revolutionary thinking and make them read this article and organics a group for the Yug Sena (the army of the era). For this purpose kindly get by post the form taking the pledge and the folder on how to organize, from Yug Nirman Yojan a, Mathura - 3. Detailed information on the 7 revolutionary tasks has been given in the Kranti visheshank (magazine's special issue on revolution). Read it yourself and make other read it.
2. The direction and inspiration for the activity for the seven revolutionary tasks reaches all the members of the Gayatri Mission, every month through the magazine. Therefore it is essential for the soldiers of 'the army of the era' to become members of the magazine. The sooner they become members, the quicker the spread of the revolutionary thinking in the society.
3. Those who have discharged their responsibilities to their families, those who have retired or whose eldest son now looks after the family-business, such persons should get organized and utilize this latter part of their lives for social-service, and send us a list of their names and addresses.
4. Spreading good thoughts to the common man is a great service in this era. The thinking of Yug Parivartan (transformation of the era) can be carried to every person in the society only through the medium of literature. "Shriram Jhola Pustakalaya" (i.e. Shriram shoulder-bag library) came into being after years of experience and has proved very successful for this purpose). All members of the Gayatri family should carry on this work according to their capacity. You can get free of cost the folders etc for this project by post.
We hope that you have found this book useful. It is your duty to carry the thoughts - which inspired you - to others, so that other too can get inspired to associate themselves with this great work. Therefore you are requested to donate money according to your capacity, or collect money from near ones, relatives and friends and order this booklet for distribution among maximum people. Kindly keep us informed about your efforts. We eagerly await your letters.
Time is available for everyone. Some people are able to understand the opportune time and some are able to see it. Those who see, understand and utilize it properly, only they get the benefit. Keep a part of the time for yourself and the rest of the time for the society, country, religion, public awareness and public welfare. This is the time of the confluence of two eras. The era is changing and soon another century will dawn. Sentimental people like you are very much required at this juncture. Everyone among us must involve himself with total will-power for the success of the above projects.

Movement Involving Struggle

  1. Movement for nurturing good activities and removing bad activities: If the culture for good activities spreads in the society, then the roods of bad activities will be removed. This movement will make us struggle with ourselves. We will have to struggle against our own bad activities as well as the bad activities of our near one. We will have to struggle against superstitions, wrong beliefs and bad activities in the society.
  2. Movement for removal of bad social customs: Most people in the society do not undertake their activities with discretion and discrimination. Most people follow traditions without testing them with logical thinking. Too many of these bad social customs are harmful for the society. Dynamic and struggle some person will be required for uprooting these social evils.
  3. Movement for liberation from addictions: The addictions of tobacco, liquor etc is making the society hollow. These addictions play a very big role in making the man physically and mentally unhealthy. For the removal of destruction of family because of quarrels within the family and for the removal of crime within the society, if the society can be freed from addictions, the resurgence of a new society with goodness will take place.
  4. The movement for the removal of mad spending during marriages: Among every religion and every country of the world, marriage is a normal occasion without expenditure, but unfortunately, this important religious sacrament in the Hindu society has been filled with so many perversities that the original sentiments of this sacrament have been completely lost. The manner in which the demon of dowry has gripped this holy occasion requires the most powerful efforts for its removal. Expensive, nay extravagant marriages reduce us to poverty and dishonesty. For detail information, the Yug Nirman Yojana's 'Kranti Visheshank' magazine (special issue on revolution) and Kranti Pustakmala (the series of booklets on social revolution) should be seriously studied.

Creative or Constructive Movement Nurturing Faith

Only a person with faith can be a true revolutionary. Imposed change is not permanent and if people do not have faith in changes, then the source of joy, enthusiasm and cheer among the public, dries up. Revolutionary saints-savants have been born only in Nepal. Whether a people's movement will be successful without religiousness and faith is always doubtful. If the soldiers of this movement are full of faith, if they feel the presence of God in every animal, then they will serve every animal by thinking it as a service to God. If faithful soldiers make every individual a person with faith in God, if the nectar of this faith pervades the society in the form of love, brotherhood, sincerity, pity, compassion and co-operation, then there will be no necessity for other movements. Wherever the sentiment of faith in God will reach, transformation of the society will be seen.
1. Movement for nurture of health: The creation of a cheerful society depends on the physical, mental and spiritual health of its people. The movement for the nurture of total health should be spread to every individual of the society. Just as for physical health proper food and activity are essential, similarly for mental health, purity of the mind through the removal of bad tendencies and bad emotions is essential. Overall healthy individuals can join and co-operate in a struggle. The main project of this movement is to give information to people about the rules of health and the methods of remaining healthy.
2. The movement for awakening women: Man has not achieved anything but lost something by keeping half the population of the society backward and crippled. This movement of this mission is different from the 'women's liberation, movement' of the west, where their movement liberates women for shallow and corrupt conduct. As opposed to the above, the 'Nari-Jagran' (women's awakening) movement makes her familiar with her glory and her spiritual wealth and gets her the respect due to her, and demands the removal of unnecessary restrictions imposed on her. At the same time, the movement alerts her to her deeds. For example, nurturing good tendencies in children and family is possible only by a progressive woman. Society can be transformed if unnecessary restrictions on woman are removed and she is given every opportunity for progress. The 21st century is running as the 'century of the mother'. Woman will not only achieve her glory but will also make surprising achievements in this century.

Introduction to the Angelic Couple

It so happens that in the history of mankind the Supreme manifests in many forms at the same time for reformation of not just millions, but of all the people on the earth. Revered Gurudev can be seen as one such incarnation which manifested from era to era as incarnation as well as Guru. Spreading enlightenment on a colossal scale during a life-spam of 80 years, the incarnation merged with that subtle vital group of Rishis (savants) who are committed to bringing the transformation of this era in a short while. The Rev. Mataji was a form of Shakti (power) which sometimes manifested as Mahakali or Mother Janaki, sometimes as Mother Sharada and sometimes as Mother Bhagwati to accompany the benevolent rule of Lord Shiva. She too has now merged in subtle form with her Lord. To-day both of them are not with us in physical form, but they have left behind monuments for human reformation in the form of Shantikunj, Hardwar, Brahmavarchas Hardwar, Gayatri Tapobhumi Mathura, Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura and Yug Teerth Aanwalkheda (Agra) and also battalions of volunteers committed to carrying on work of human enlightenment and reformation.
Gurudev's real evaluation will be done by historians after a few years, but if today someone wants to experience his presence, he can see him in the from of the vast ocean of life-giving literature written over 50 years, which together weighs more than the weight of the body of Rev. Gurudev. On reading it one feels as if the Rev. Gurudev has written it by dipping the pen in his own blood. Each word touches your heart and changes your thoughts. He has in this way transformed millions of men and women by touching their hearts and minds. The revolutions of Rousseau for democracy and of Karl Marx for communism pale before his writings. His writings can fill an encyclopedia. Looking at his multifaceted personality and his fields of work, one cannot decide what to write about him because his area of work included the following and much more: Organizer, seeker and devotee, enlightener of millions, reviver of Gayatri's study and worship, reviver of the tradition of 16 sacraments, a loving father to his followers, a relentless campaigner for the awakening of women's power with boundless compassion for them, single-handily creating the colossal Gayatri-family of over 10 million followers.
As a result of the dark era of ignorance because of a thousand years of foreign domination over Nepal, perversities have increased so much in our thinking that all the efforts for progress simply fall flat. All the plans for reform and progress become unsuccessful because of weakness of character. We will have to go to tremendous lengths to campaign for 'Bhavnatmak Nav-nirman' (resurgence of good thinking, and good sentiments) that it will immerse the public-mind in the courage and commitment to good character, idealism, goodwill, tremendous hard work, and adopting what is proper. The path to progress will open up in pro portion to the success of this movement. The mysterious background to the colossal form of 'Yug Nirman Andolan' (the movement for the resurgence of the era of goodness and new order) is known only to the few, but it is definite that this movement will be profound and colossal and will be completely successful. Who and which institutes get the honor for this success is not important, but it is going to be certainly carried out. To-day the need is felt of those strong hands which will be capable of carrying on this momentous task.
The last phase of this movement will be struggle some because demoniac tendencies will not be eliminated by mere politeness and request. This will require fighting at every step. Individual desires, passions, narrowness, selfishness, hedonistic living, shirking work and discourtesy have to be fought at the level of self-formation through personal efforts. Perversities of individuals, family, society, nation and the world will be fought by the weapons at that level only. The Yug-Nirman Andolan (movement for the resurgence of the era of goodness and new order) with the aim of total change has now come near the threshold of projects requiring struggle. This is the last phase of the movement in which the entire movement has been divided into two parts. Creative or constructive movement is in the first part whereas the second one consists of movements requiring struggle. Brief information on these movements is given in the next article "Creative or Constructive Movement Nurturing Faith".

Ghostly Footsteps

It was Friday the Thirteenth but the night was like any other night. It was dark, cold and a bit windy, but I never expected a ghost.
I had forgotten to brush my teeth before bed, so I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. As I started to brush, I looked into the mirror, I could see my shadow. After a while, it started to move and looked as if it was holding a sharp knife above my head about to kill me. I turned around the shadow. The shadow was back to normal, I thought I was losing mind.
In fear I brushed my teeth as fast as possible and ran back to bed. As I closed my eyes, many thoughts came into my mind and I couldn't sleep. I decided to listen to the sounds of the vehicles moving outside. After a while, I heard footsteps as if someone was walking on the carpet in the room. I thought it was my mother, but she was up in the kitchen.
I got so scared that I covered my face with the blanket and waited for it to get me. It sounded as if the ghost was going around my room in circles. After a long time I summoned al my courage and turned on the light just to check if any ghost was around, but there was no one. I tried to sleep again, but couldn't because I could still hear the footsteps.
This time the ghost had gone too far. I said to myself that no ghost is going to ruin my sleep. That's it the ghost has to go. I got out of bed really fast and turned on the lights but no one was there. I checked the carpet but no ghost. I shouted, "Come on, ghost you want me? Come get me!"
For the last time, I listened to the footsteps and it still sounded as if it was walking on the carpet. A small pause and I realized that it was the new alarm clock. I was shouting like a mad person.
But what about the shadow I saw in the bathroom?

My predication for the future

Now we are talking about the future in which the uprooting of bad activities, removal of wants and increase in goodwill take predominance. Science can perhaps not achieve this task even with lots of efforts, but it can be confidently said that if there is extraordinary increase in good thinking, character-formation and excellence in dealings and transactions, then all those problems which are considered as destructive calamities will go on solving easily by themselves.
Such a surprising transformation will occur in man's sentiments and actions, that man's capacity - engaged in misuse - will be put to good use and produce such beneficial results that they can be termed as return of 'Satyug' (era of the goodwill, goodness in thinking, good deeds and religiosity).
Nobody should have doubt that in future, science will stop producing bad activities, because sources such as mineral oil (petroleum) and electricity-production will dry up. When this happens, how can science survive? People will have to return to natural way of life, where there will be no opportunity for perversities.
Science will be alive, but its name will not be material science but spiritual science. With the adoption of its support, all those problems will be solved which appear so terrible to-day. Those wants, in whose absence man is continuously upset, doubtful, anxious, troubled and suffering from terror, will be fulfilled by nature. In the next century there will be no wars, no epidemics, and no necessity to worry because of shortage due to population-increase. Awakened woman will herself reject production of children and will employ her energy (which would otherwise have been wasted) for those purposes which are extremely essential for increase in prosperity and goodwill. The atmosphere in the women-dominated 21st century will be such as can be called the work of the combined power of the deities Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga (Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and Durga is the Goddess of power). Education will not be merely for getting a job to fill the belly, but in its novel form, it will fulfill its role of making people honest, profound and impressive.
It is not necessary to ask or know about the plans and prods of how this will be achieved. There will be extra-ordinary showering of the subtle and all-pervading driven power on the vital forces sustaining the current situations and will go on bringing such changes easily which can be called the spring season of a new era or bright future with a return of the 'Satyug'. The background for the above changes is being prepared these days.

Call to Outstanding Personalities for Yug Parivartan (Transformation of the era)

In Gita's Chapter, little Vibhutiyog Lord Krishna has shown with examples, that He gives a special part of Himself in people with outstanding personalities. As such, just like animals, people too carry on their lives, but those who have special powers, special talents; only they can carry out important deeds. Therefore in sentimental creative campaigns like ushering in of a transformed new era, their presence is essential.
1. Sentiment (Religion and spiritualism): People influenced by the ancientness and philosophy of religion are advised that for increasing the number of followers of their sect, they should not waste their energies in the enthusiasm for converting others to their religion. Our constant effort is for creating mutual tolerance and harmony among religions. Let them have their own forms, but let them be part of a world-religion and plan and use their influence for character-building and welfare and understand that the traditions are of little significance.
The vast amount of money and manpower invested in religion and spiritualism as well as their influence should not be allowed for nurturing selfish and personal interests. The power of religion is equivalent to political power and its power should be used in creative directions. For this purpose the book "Yug Rishi Ka Adhyatma, Yug Rishi Ki Vani Mein" (The spiritualism of this era's savant in his own language) should be read.
2. Education and literature: Religious education, moral education and education for creation of new ideal sentiments - these are complementary to purity of mind. Such education must be conducted at public level and not limited to the few. Similarly people have to take in their own hands the task of adult-education. Cleansed outlook, character formation in these difficult times, the innumerable problems for the formation of a good society and their solutions, creation of a tremendously powerful atmosphere for the good of the world-family - only the schools at the public level will be able to attain these purposes. If elders past the age of fifty years can be encouraged to work for public welfare, then a lot of work can be carried out in this direction.
Literatures are being asked to use their pen in this direction. Poets have been asked to write fiery songs capable of rousing the people from their torpor. Story- writers can do the same through their stories. Journalists should start giving place to such writings in their papers and magazines. Money and talent-both are required for the publishing profession. Not only the writers, but also the publishers, when they join this field, then with their co-operation and harmony, some work will be done. People are to be directly and indirectly inspired in this direction. For detailed information the book "Awake O talent" should be read.
3. Rousing the sentiments through performing arts: Let these schools promote highly inspiring songs, and during every occasion for celebrations, these songs should have priority, the booklets of fiery songs are available everywhere. Let the following be carried out everywhere: music meetings with the singing of Kirtans (hymns), lectures, chorus, action songs, dramas, dances etc and let them carry on the essential task of public welfare through entertainment. Publication of pictures by itself has become a big business. Calendars and pictures are sold in large numbers these days. if inspirational events can be printed in them, they will be of great help in molding the public-mind. Greater co-operation of picture-publishers is required for this purpose.
More than the combined number of newspaper readers and radio-listeners is the number of cinema-goers. If this cinema industry is in the hands of discretionary and far-sighted people and if they use it for cleansing the public's mind and creating an appropriate atmosphere for ushering the new era, then the results can be astonishing. If the outlook of the people already in this industry can be changed and new people enter this industry with new investment and new zeal, then so much work can be done that it is difficult even to imagine at this stage.
4. Science: The achievements of science are astounding. It has created a surprising increase in the facilities for man but it is also true that their misuse has caused untold harm. In the field of weapons-manufacture, gases, rays and atomic-weapons have caused the tragedy of putting the entire world at stake. If these discoveries and inventions are limited to creative purposes, their fruits can create heaven on earth. The biggest task before science is that it should harmonize with spiritualism and prove that the source of power does not lie in atomic power but in the power of the soul.
5. Political power: Those have political power in their hands or will have in the coming days; they should forget narrow nationalism, or appeasing the people of their territories and think of peace and happiness in equal measure for the entire world.
It is the task of governments to battle against immorality, exploitation, crime, bribery and corruption. They can also do quite a lot for removing unemployment, illness and poverty. For this purpose the selfishness and immorality which have taken deep roots in the bureaucrats, clerks and peons will have to be completely uprooted and thrown out. For this the voters in democratic countries will have to be specially explained their duties so that they become successful in electing worthy representatives for good government.
6. Wealth: These days' talented people give the formost importance to money. There is no doubt about the power of money. There is no fault by itself in wealth; the fault lies in its misuse. Doubtless this wealth is to be condemned if it is used in luxury, in satisfying the ego, in hoarding and leaving behind in legacy for children and grandchildren. The coming days will witness a society based on equal distribution of wealth. When the society works on the basis of 'work to capacity and availability of means according to necessity', then not the individual but the society will have the right on wealth and there will be no rich or poor.
The flow of Yug Parivartan (transformation of the era) is going on according to divine inspiration. People co-operating in it will not be at a loss, but will benefit. Nobody should be anxious about losing one's money or investment. That will remain protected and more interest will be available from banks. At the same time, an opportunity presents itself for service to the people by which there will be endless extra-ordinary satisfaction.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Twenty-First Century - A century of Women

Believe it or not, the future is passing into the hands of women. This has not happened by chance. Women have carried out deep penance since time immemorial for achieving it. By achieving the highest development of their total powers, they have achieved this glory. Guru, mother, sister, and wife - in all these forms the woman has obliged man in countless ways and these countless blessings can be joyfully compared to divine blessings. Society to-day wants to repay those obligations.
Woman's uplift is essential for proper molding of individuals. Only then the molding of the family and the creation of a fine society is possible. Woman is the life-breath of the family. If we have to think of our own and world's welfare, woman must be considered as man's equal. World's welfare can be thought of only after thinking of women's uplift. Both struggle and resurgence of a new era of goodness are together in this major problem, therefore for fulfilling it, extraordinary man-power, means and dynamic courage are required. The secret of man's progress lied in woman's progress only.
The times are dynamically changing. This is seen in the fast changes occurring with the passing over of 20th century into a new era. Simultaneously woman has recognized her own inner vitality, her own inner strength. Woman herself is trying for her own uplift. She is not willing to spend her life at a level lower than man's. The support of time is with her. It will not do not to recognize her, nor suppress her. These days one can see a tremendous vitality of the people getting organized properly.
It is the Creator's wish that now woman should come forward and her superiority be once again conferred on her. It is His wish that woman should give the proof of her velour and show by actual deeds how she has uprooted widespread backwardness and how she has replaced it with progress.
We are calling the twenty-first century as the Century of the Woman because Nature is in her favor and from the viewpoint of special qualities, she is very much better than man and simultaneously Nature is in the process of breaking the old order and creating a new one. Only the woman fits into this plan. This movement of women's uplift will make woman equal to man.
The cyclonic speed of the new era will rest only after liberating the woman from her backward, inferior position and making her capable of taking advantage of human rights. Woman will have her own independent existence in the 21st century, and she will get the opportunity of developing her own individual identity. In the coming days, not the color of her skin and beauty, but her individuality will be considered as everything. The same amount of time and money will be utilized for girls' education, health, and developing their skill, as is employed for boys.
Only such transformation will sustain and maintain the long-term role of Yug Parivartan (transformation of the era). The main basis of the future 'Satyugi Parivartan' (transformation bringing goodness of thinking and conduct among people) will be that the entire leadership be given to woman- woman whom nature has made full of love, co-operation and compassion. Seeing that welfare lies in woman's power, we should not leave any stone unturned for furthering woman's power. One who has always given the proof of selfless love for husband, children and family at every step; she will create the same atmosphere in the area of her influence when given the leadership.

The Role of Gayatri Yagya in Transformation of this Era

The relationship between Gayatri and Yagya (chanting of prayers with oblations into holy-fire) is mutual. Scriptures have called Gayatri as the mother of religion and Yagya as the father. Both are considered as complementary to each other and inseparable. Only the co-ordination of good knowledge and good deeds raises the level of a person and society. Keeping this truth in mind, Gayatri, the Goddess of good knowledge and Yagya, the symbol of good deeds are considered as two wheels of the chariot of Def- Sanskrit (divine culture).
There are three meanings of the word Yagya (1) Generosity of charity ( 2) coming together and organization (3) worship of deities, selecting and supporting excellence. Wherever these three good activities are adopted, greatness and gentlemanliness will come up and problems will be solved in no time. All the necessary axioms exist in the form of the philosophy of Yagya for the establishment of the tradition of Yagya - worship. (As in ancient times) these days also one can experience how the process of progressiveness on the basis of religious traditions can go to the heart and be successful. And it is being experienced also.
The initiative of establishing the dynamic revolution of the era in the form of the holy fire of the Yagya is such that with its help people's sentiments can be roused for removal of undesirability and crudeness and the revival of culture and courtesy.
Yagya has its own science. It has such effect (because of the total interaction of its power, its special origin from Rigveda, the mysterious procedures and collective good efforts) that it causes useful movements in the subtle astral planes. As a result of these divine vibrations the eradication of sickness, mental perversions and bad attitudes becomes possible.
Inseparably linked with Gayatri - Yagya is the process of 'Dev-Dakshina' (offering to the Gods) which means the pledge taken in presence of the holy-fire for discarding bad activities and adopting good activities. In the Yagya arranged by the Yug Nirman Yojana, those sitting around the holy-fire and offering oblations have to offer Dev-Dakshina and fill a printed form called Sankalpa-Pattra (the form of pledge). This offering is not in the form of money but in the form of Atma-Parishkar (self-purification) which means discarding at least one personal bad habit and special efforts to enhance a good activity. Bad activity results from personal immorality, prevalent superstitions and wrong social practices. The removal of undesirability under each of the above and adopting what is proper - that itself is the purpose of the Dev-Dakshina campaign. It can also be called the basis of support of creation of a new era and the fundamental purpose of the manifestation of Yug-Shakti (the power of this era, i.e. Gayatri). The one and only purpose of an incarnation's manifestation has been the removal of adharma (irreligiousness and immorality) and establishing Dharma (religiousness and morality). Only this thinking and action is present in the Gayatri from beginning to end. The Dev-Dakshina part of the Yagya is clearly the fulfillment of that aim.