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Thursday, December 24, 2009

My predication for the future

Now we are talking about the future in which the uprooting of bad activities, removal of wants and increase in goodwill take predominance. Science can perhaps not achieve this task even with lots of efforts, but it can be confidently said that if there is extraordinary increase in good thinking, character-formation and excellence in dealings and transactions, then all those problems which are considered as destructive calamities will go on solving easily by themselves.
Such a surprising transformation will occur in man's sentiments and actions, that man's capacity - engaged in misuse - will be put to good use and produce such beneficial results that they can be termed as return of 'Satyug' (era of the goodwill, goodness in thinking, good deeds and religiosity).
Nobody should have doubt that in future, science will stop producing bad activities, because sources such as mineral oil (petroleum) and electricity-production will dry up. When this happens, how can science survive? People will have to return to natural way of life, where there will be no opportunity for perversities.
Science will be alive, but its name will not be material science but spiritual science. With the adoption of its support, all those problems will be solved which appear so terrible to-day. Those wants, in whose absence man is continuously upset, doubtful, anxious, troubled and suffering from terror, will be fulfilled by nature. In the next century there will be no wars, no epidemics, and no necessity to worry because of shortage due to population-increase. Awakened woman will herself reject production of children and will employ her energy (which would otherwise have been wasted) for those purposes which are extremely essential for increase in prosperity and goodwill. The atmosphere in the women-dominated 21st century will be such as can be called the work of the combined power of the deities Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga (Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and Durga is the Goddess of power). Education will not be merely for getting a job to fill the belly, but in its novel form, it will fulfill its role of making people honest, profound and impressive.
It is not necessary to ask or know about the plans and prods of how this will be achieved. There will be extra-ordinary showering of the subtle and all-pervading driven power on the vital forces sustaining the current situations and will go on bringing such changes easily which can be called the spring season of a new era or bright future with a return of the 'Satyug'. The background for the above changes is being prepared these days.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.