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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lose Not Your Heart 4

In future also you must continue your efforts, but with the attitude of a sportsman. Understanding and logical thinking demand of you to change your attitude with changing times. Attainment of happiness, success, progress, luxury etc should not make you swollen-headed. Conversely, it is pointless to weep or get angry or despair in an unfavorable situation. Instead of weeping and wasting time, utilize the time to change your attitude and exercise your mind to find out a solution. Actually this will prove more beneficial to you. Real intelligence lies in finding happiness from whatever is available and thus maintaining your balance of mind.
When your hands are full with too many jobs at a time, not a single job gets done because the mind is pulled in many directions. This leads to loss of time, energy and more important is - loss of temper. Thus by concentrating thoughts only on one project, you easily achieve mental equilibrium, prevent the loss of effort and energy and start on the path of progress, because you will be completing every task that you undertake.
The fundamental principle of worldly success is to fill your mind with noble thoughts when doing any work. We may not be able to change the situation around us, but can mould ourselves according to the situation and remain cheerful.
Expecting others tobe with us and to do as we say, is the main reason for increasing our mental tension and complicating our lives. The solution to this problem lies in doing our work silently and let others carry on in their own way. Do not try to dominate any one. Also do not waste invaluable time and energy in trying to please everyone.
It is useless to desire that others should listen to us only, be interested in us only and co-operate with us only. This desire is not only wrong, but also harmful. To depend emotionally on others is not beneficial at all.
Mental tension can also be caused by disorganized way of living, needless hurry, being busy during day as well as night and work continuously without a pause. This makes it essential to change your life-style and day-to-day working by intelligent planning for enough rest and relaxation. Man's mental strength is put to good use only by leading a relaxed life enriched with honesty, discipline, good will and being organized and punctual. This helps us to take proper advantage of the capacity given to us by God.
Drink deep from the fountain of joy that comes from doing your duty and keep going without fear in the face of obstacles. This is the essence of religion.
Most great men were men of ordinary caliber in the beginning. But they neither allowed this to lower their high aim nor did they allow despair to dampen their spirits. They went ahead step by step in the strength of confidence and constant efforts. Even in the face of difficulties they were not wavering. Even in unfavorable circumstances they did not falter. Even through they had limited resources and ordinary caliber, their dedication inspired them to sacrifice everything for the country, for their religion and for service to humanity, thus setting an ideal for millions to follow.
Nothing comes from attributing our faults to others. Only we ourselves are responsible for out physical and mental weakness. Doubtless, there may be some influence of some people, certain circumstances and the result of past influences. But three-fourths of our life's passage in this world is influenced by actions guided by our own personal viewpoint. We can certainly solve the difficulties troubling our mind and body by first reforming our selves.
Those who speak quite a lot to advise others but do not put it into practice cannot influence the people. Those who practice what they preach will continue to progress on the spiritual path.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.