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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inevitable Role of Sadhana in Divine-Worship

The process of Japa-Dhyana etc in the daily Upasana of Gayatri may last only for a small stretch of time every day. But this alone does not suffice for the supernatural effects and spiritual blessing of Gayatri Shakti. Sadhana is essential with Gayatri-Upasana. As food and water, night and day, summer and winter, man and woman are supplementary to mutual existence, so is the conjugation of Upasana and Sadhana. Upasana would remain incomplete without Sadhana. Sadhana is an endeavor of overall self-refinement. It has to continue round-the-clock. It demand the Sadhak's consistent alertness and discerning observation of his habits, thoughts, every reaction and action to find out if there is any blemish, vice, disorder or infirmity. The soldiers on the front have to be on constant vigil of the enemies' movements and intentions. A Sadhak too is a warrior in the battlefield of his own life. He has to be aware and watchful on every front of life. This determined aptness inculcates Sadhana as a natural component of one's life.
Sadhana is a pledged vow for fair and prompt self-analysis and discerning improvement. A Sadhak is supposed to strive to ameliorate his attitude, behavior and nature and cultivate more enlightened and virtuous tendencies and talents. Those who think that only the sincere performance of Japa-Dhyana (Upasana) would serve the purpose of Sadhana would wipe out such illusions from this very day. Else, they may never experience the amazing boons and divine grace of Gayatri and would be disappointed. Upasana indeed gives initial inspiration and support for Sadhana but the depth of mental engrossment and the internal and external piety required for the spiritual effects cannot be aroused and sustained without Sadhana.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.