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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Ultimate Victory is Truth and Virtue

Meaning: According to the Athervaved 4/19/6 — "Even thought wicked deeds may be small or big, in the end they destroy the doer and only he has to bear the punishment also.

Message: People resort to untruth as a result of perversities resulting from ignorance, distorted thinking, lack of faith, physical desires, greed, hurry, highly mobile mind etc. There is a tale about spiritual seeker. He cane across an angel and the devil at the same time. The dress of the angel was very ordinary whereas the dress of the devil was very flashy and he was walking in style. The seeker ignored the angel and looking at the arrogance of the devil, surrendered to him. Unfortunately, today we see the same thing in the world everywhere. People are turning their backs to the truth and embracing the untruth. Ridiculing the reality, the people are praising absurd conduct. Today most people have become devoid of intelligence, and people are hanging on to all type of evil deeds.
To call a liar a liar and truthful person requires knowledge patience and self confidence. Where falsehood prevails, the entire structure collapses. Even though initially one may get immediate benefits with lowly and immoral deeds, but because of their bad effort, hatred and derision invariably result and also loss of name and fame.
One sees only all this everywhere in the world today, as if sinful deeds and wicked conduct is the barometer of today's social reality. Only those indulging in every type of wicked conduct are seen to prosper and those maintaining truthful conduct are becoming victims of ridicule, avoidance and punishment. Even their day-to-day living has become difficult. But the reality is that God allows the increase of sins in His creation to a certain extent till the moment is ripe, because then only their destruction is possible. The tree of bad deeds expands quite a lot, but in the end it gets uprooted and falls. Sins are born on this earth, are nurtured in men's minds and very quickly spread over the entire world. It takes a very long time for good thoughts to spread and people also find it very difficult to imbibe them in their conduct. But the speed of the spread of bad deeds is very fast and people are get trapped very quickly in their glamour. Non-religious conduct, darkness and ignorance, gaining from strength, spread in all directions. The darkness of sinful acts becomes so thick that it overwhelms the divine brightness of even divine men and great devotes of God.
At that time only the rare individuals remember the infallibility of divine rules and do not lose even an iota of patience. They understand that sins have increased to the extent required and now the time for their destruction has arrived. The edifice of sins crumbles down under its own weight, and takes the sinner also along with into the dust.
The ultimate victory is of truth and virtue only.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.