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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Purify of Soul and Mind

Meaning: According to the line of Samved 353 — "We should purify our soul and mind by accepting good advice of learned men. Our faults and wicked tendencies can be destroys in this way only."
Message: Almost all of us firmly believe that, "I am a body and nothing but the body only/" Because of this believe we are more and more engaged in trying to fulfill our body's desires and in the pursuit of temptations for indulging the senses. In contrast to this, the sages, monks, saints and the learned ones say that after achieving the ultimate knowledge, our thought should be, "I am neither the body, nor the mind, nor the senses. I am sachchidananda (i.e. pure bliss) shuddha chaitanya atma (i.e. pure sparking soul). When the thoughts become so ripe, all round there is cheer, joy and bliss, and sorrow and pain completely disappear.
But for men in this world, it is not possible simply to meditate on the soul, forget the body and suppress the senses. If everyone starts doing this, then life will be difficult. Should only a few persons observe this ideal and the rest lead a hell-like life? No, there is a middle path also and that is to think that, "I am this body and also soul both. Along with the body, we must always remember that a part of the Supreme is always within us as the soul. That soul continuously observes every deed of our body and every thought arising in the mind. This knowledge of the soul is like a control and keeps saving us from bad tendencies and bad deeds.
What a vast difference - whereas an ignorant man, forgetting his soul, is immersed in every type of sinful activity by considering only the bad thinking and the pursuit of wicked culture as his basic aim of life, on the other hand, the man fulfilled with self-knowledge adopts only good thoughts and good moral culture, himself becomes excellent and also takes the society on the path of uplift. The soul of such a man is pure, and his mind becomes clean and pure by becoming free form wicked tendencies. Although he uses the means of the material world in his daily life, he uses them only for minimum requirements with the sentiment of ''tyaktena bhunjitha" - i.e. use with the spirit of self-denial and keep the remaining for others in the world. Such men also use their senses with restraint and therefore, although living in the material world, thy enjoy heavenly bliss.
This type of knowledge is obtained through the advice of learned men, study of good books on religion, morality and spiritualism, and contemplation of the Veda-mantras. With the viewpoint of "I am the soul", life becomes enlightened, wicked tendencies automatically disappear and their place is increasingly filled by good qualities.

This is an excellent means for achieving life's objective.

Aa no vayo vayaha shayum
mahaantum gahyereshihaamugrum
vacho apaavadhihi. (Samved 353)

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.