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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Where there is will, there is a way

Self Reliance

As a person attains youth there grows a strong desire in him to become self-reliant. He wants to stand on his own feet and be the master of his life. Until some decades back this desire was largely a male phenomenon. But over the years young girls too have been exhibiting this urge more and more strongly, sometimes even more than the boys. Practically every college going girl today wants to be self-reliant financially. She wants to be a "Women of substance" and cut out an independent identity of her own. The concept of 'working women ' is a common currency now.  

 But this ambition to become self-reliant is not easy to fulfill. Government sector jobs are continually shrinking while the number of educated youth has phenomenally increased. this growth in their population is matched by their growing ambition for better employment, better pay and perks and better life styles.

It is true that private that private sector employment opportunities have tremendously increased. But their demand is more or less confined to select fields, especially information technology and management. Liberal arts, social sciences and even basic sciences have few takers. Besides, even in the private sector, there are many kinds of contractual limitations; and the work pressures are increasing to unreasonable limits. To add to the woes, government is also slowly tightening its grip over even the private enterprise. this, not exactly for ensuring better work conditions for the employee, but for caste reservations and other such political mileage. The situation is that ability and merit cannot necessarily guarantee employment.

 As for going in for self-enterprise this requires capital which is not available to the larger majority. Government and bank loans are of course there but the rosy picture painted in media announcements as well as print advertisements and hoardings fall far short of percolating to the branch level.

Then, one finds the usual procedural bottlenecks and discouraging conditions and limitations. Some do get these loans without much trouble but a large number are forced to waste their time in frustrating runs from table to table, form this office to that office trying to meet the myriad conditions that are raised from time to time. Ansh sahni of Employment Research program says that the data gathered from the field and their evaluation show the gravity of the situation. But all said done, the old dictum "Where there is a way" still holds good. The young students - boys and girls - of Dev Sandkrit Vishwa Vidyalaya have vindicated this truth and molded it in tune with the changing times. The subtle guidance of Yugrishi Gurudev has ever been their beacon.

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