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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Importance of the motherland

In Atharva-Veda (12/1/ 6 2) Says that "O motherland! We grow up in your lap only and obtain health-giving materials. Hence when the time comes, may we not retreat from sacrificing our lives for you?
Message: The human mother merely gives birth, but the motherland looks after us. Nourishes us, protects us and does many more things for us. She not only gives us shelter for living. We get food-grain s. water, air, fruits, medicines, vegetables, animals, wealth, all this from our loving mother land. In her healthy protection we achieve physical, mental and spiritual progress. The re is no end to her unlimited benevolence and it is our duty to try to discharge our obligation to her.
O Lord! May we develop the intelligence to repay (our debt to our motherland) may we become more and more knowledgeable, be individually awakened and carry out our duties to our motherland with body, mind and wealth.
Our duty to wards mother -earth is to maintain the ecological balance. We go on taking out every type of mineral, vegetable and medicine plants from the earth but do not pay attention to nourishing her. Not only that, we go on spreading more and more pollution by spreading various kind of filth in all directions. Fie on us for this ignorance and selfish-conduct! This is a grave sin against mother-earth and we must immediately repent for it. This is the cry of the times and by not hearing it, we are hitting the axe on our own feet. The most essential philosophy is of planting trees and their protection for protecting life on earth. By disregarding this fact we ourselves are inviting our destruction.
It has been a glorious tradition of Nepalese patriots to sacrifice their lives smilingly for the land of their birth. But to-day's political leaders, the so-called religious leaders, the fo called intellectuals, all of them blinded with selfishness, are not hesitating from looting and selling this country. When will our sense of duty be awakened? When will we develop the good sense to be eager to surrender our all for the sake of our motherland? Only those who under stand the importance of the necessity of sentimental regeneration and having the courage to renounce and sacrifice for that can discharge their obligation to their motherland. Only those gems of men achieve fulfillment in their lives whose hearts a re surging wit h the enthusiastic sentiments of patriotism, service to the society, helping others and working for the welfare of the people and only they fulfill the importance roles of the times.
To-day the country requires such great sons who can join in the movement of sentimental regeneration with the support of religiosity in their hearts and who can sustain the tradition of the Brahmans and monks despite leading lives as householders. That will make possible the cleansing of the public's mind and the whole country will bloom with the fragrance of good activities and virtues.
The ancient Nepalese was full of divine-like men and heavenly atmosphere because the national-character of the countrymen was of a very high level. They used to fulfill their responsibilities to the country with total piety and honesty, and personal interest was of no consequence before national interest.
Let us fulfill our duty to the motherland which gives us strength, intelligence, longevity, happiness, wealth and everything else.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.