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Monday, August 2, 2010

Path of Truth

Meaning: According to the line of Rigved 1/41/4 -"Only the path of truth is without throns, easy and approachable therefore all should follow the path of truth.
Message: The message of Nepalese culture is 'Satyam Vada, Dharammum Chara, and Swadhya yanmaprmadaha 'i.e.' speak the truth conduct yourself in a religious manner and do not be lazy in the study of scriptures'. In the above injunction, truth has been given priority over religion also. We should always conduct ourselves truthfully. Inner and outer unity, i.e. there is unity in thinking and behavior, should be man's first and foremost quality. Let us present ourselves to others as we are. Let us reflect in our speech what we have in mind, and do such deeds only. There should be unity 'Manasa vachan karmana' i.e. in our thinking, speech and behavior. The purity of the inner self is maintained in this way and the mind remains cheerful. Peace reigns in such a clean heart and the rays of divine light shine forth.
If we trust others with ease, only then can we live with mutual goodwill. The entire organization of the society rests on mutual trust. If this trust is destroyed, nobody will trust each other and societal organization cannot be stable. The basis of love, friendship cooperation, help etc is truth only.
Untruthful speech includes also untruthful dealings, untruthful and false make-believe, to present something other than what we believe, to hide the actual situations and present something else, to hide one's motive etc. To tell a lie is not the only untruth. To make someone in some way to believe in something else, all this comes within the sphere of untruth. In other words such people are called conspirers and cheats. Even if one has not duped someone of his money, but to dupe someone of trust is no less a sin or a crime.
It is man's disgraceful downfall to lose the trust of others, to be ambiguous in speech and behavior and to remain dishonest. Only the person, who can be trusted, has a reputation. One whom no one trusts in the society is considered of the lowest level in the society. By telling lies, an atmosphere of doubt, anxiety, distrust and cheating is created and the joy of love and friendship is finished. The terror of anxiety makes a person look at others with doubt and distrust. How can the feeling of faith last in such a situation? He starts thinking of everyone as a cheat and worth condemning. When keeping promise and trust are gone from a man's conduct, that person will find himself alone and survival will become not only difficult but impossible also.
A liar is always afraid, because the original truth cannot be kept hidden, and if not to-day then tomorrow it comes to light. The influence of lies remains only for some time, but to conceal the lies, a thousand more lies have to be uttered and even then doubts remain. On the other hand, truth remains permanently stable like a rock and there is absolutely no burden on the mind. a man's personality shines with the halo of truth. The famous scriptural story of 'satyanarayan katha' - extolling the virtue of truth and truthful conduct and relationship of truth with God - is not merely for hearing. It must be imbibed in our lives also.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.