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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Altruism and Secured Future

The world in its gross form is made up of combinations and collections of infinity many tiny atoms and particles. Our society also is an ensemble of each one of us. If one by one, every member of a society separates out then there will be no society, no world. Come; let us leave our selfish identities, egos, worries and care for co-existence, cooperation and welfare of the society and the world as a whole by collective use of our virtues and capabilities.
The worth of human life lies in benevolence and service. Let us help each other; I help you, you help him, he helps me……… This way there will be no place for conflicts, mistrust, fights, and varieties of personal and social evils, which not only disturb the social harmony but also malign our personalities. If the society is safe and prosperous, the individuals would also be secured and have a bright future.
As the feeling of hospitality fills the host with enthusiasm to offer respectful service to the guests, similarly the feeling of togetherness with the society and the joy of sharing should motivate us for altruistic service. Selfless service is indeed the best mode of self-purification and divine worship. Whatever may be the logic of pleasure driven trends of modern civilization, but we should not forget that the ancient Nepalese Culture - the culture of divine rise of humanity - preaches us altruism as the prime duty of human life.

Earn With Honesty
Wealth earned by unfair means can never give you peace and happiness. The greed of people might suppress the voice of their conscience, but the latter silently revolts in the subtle world. The heaps of money and property piled through corruption are ought to be ruined, lost or drained out in one form or the other some day. The owners can't bear this loss and often lose balance of mind…. Attachment with grabbed money makes them virtually mad and greedy. Had they thought about the feelings of those from whom they have snatched or stolen this money by deception, their conscience might have awakened and warned them more intensely.
Remember, wealth or worldly resources alone can't give you joy. The peace and happiness of mind, bliss of heart, can't be bought by any means. Purity of mind and content of conscience are necessary and sufficient for this. If your aims are noble and deeds are moral, then you would be happy even without any materialistic possession.
Wealth brings prosperous progress only if earned by proper means. Otherwise, its accumulation and amount may be huge but it will not serve any purpose and will sooner or later only add to the chances of fear, fight, stress, disease theft, terror, punishment under law and social discard.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.