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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Man Filled With God's Power

Meaning: According to the line of Rigved 10/137/1, and Athervaved 4/13/1 — "Those saintly persons who uplift the downtrodden and liberate the criminals from sins, are great. Let us be near such great men and cleanse our lives by giving up our faults and wicked tendencies".

Message: It is the natural property of water to flow downwards; similarly it is also the natural propensity of human life to be wrapped up in bad tendencies. If water has to be raised to a higher level, then some special power in the form of a water-pump has to be employed. Similarly human life has to be uplifted forcefully, turning the body, the mind and the intelligence from the mundane to the spiritual. One has to be continuously at it with patience in such efforts. The entry of faults and wickedness, attack of bad thoughts and attraction to sinful acts under their influence is a common process in man's crime. Once in their grip, freedom from them is very difficult. The mind itself goes constantly ahead on the path of downfall under the artificial shine and glamorous spell of sinful acts.
No man becomes permanently fallen by committing bad deeds or a sinful act or crime once. There is no treason for disappointment; the path to progress does not get blocked up because if one path is make constant efforts for uplift with moral forbearance, and make fully sincere efforts for pulling and throwing out the faults and wicked tendencies and bad thoughts and bad culture overwhelming us.

After our moral downfall we become almost disappointed and wrongly believe that now our uplift is impossible and the bad influences that have entered us will go only with death. In fact, such negative thinking displays our ignorance only because it has no basis at all.

Man is neither morally fallen permanently, nor does he die forever, because there is rebirth after death. The all-powerful Almighty God has that power that He provides a new life after the end one life. Sometimes even in this life, he pulls man out of the jaws of death and grants him a new life. Man's should is nothing but a part of the Supreme Father. We too can save ourselves from 'death' in the form of repeated moral-downfalls and give us a new life. We get the capacity for this valorous act only from the strength of the soul. Great sinners and morally fallen individuals become virtuous men through God's grace and instances of Tulsidas, Valmiki and Angulimaal are before our eyes.

The saints, great soul, Gurus, and learned social servants who inspire people to tread the path of moral uplift, possess tremendous willpower and the tremendous power of God's grace. They uplift innumerable morality-fallen persons and even in the final moments of a very sinful man's life, turn him towards spirituality and various deeds. We should try to free us from our faults and wicked tendencies by taking the help of such men who are filled with God's power and achieve our life's objective.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.