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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Ignorant Man Suffer From Disease

Meaning: An ignorant man suffers from disease and sorrow by being greedy but a religious man by spreading knowledge and wisdom liberates himself as well as others from the shackles of this mundane world.
Message: Fire is the source of light. It is also the source of energy. Fire is lighted in Yagya for the bestowal of light and the flame of knowledge. Only a wise, knowledgeable person can light this meaningful fire. It reflects the inner desire of the 'yagyakarta' that he becomes 'prabhuddaha' (wise with knowledge) and alert or awakened. The feeling of liveliness, alertness and surrender is awakened in the mind. The yagyakarta tries to make the holy-fire his friend by establishing oneness with it. By that it means that one has to imbibe the fire's qualities within himself to make the fire-God his friend. By leading an 'agnimay' and 'yagyamay' life the darkness of ignorance vanishes and awakening and light are obtained and thus the road to success in human-life gets opened up.
One meaning of 'agni' is also God the embodiment of light. God is all knowing, omnipresent and the source of knowledge. Man becomes pure, religious, mentally sharp, lustrous and influential and divine qualities enter a man in closeness to God.
If we maintain deep devotion for God by keeping Him, the Supreme Father as our ideal and make him our companion, then there is no fear afterwards. When He is with us, then nothing untoward can happen. But all sorts of difficulties march towards us if He is not with us and if we are deprived of His grace. It is a fact that He is with us, within us, but the sorry fact is that we are not within Him. The activity of a real devotee should be that only, that he should always be with Him just as He is always with us, within us.
In this manner with divine knowledge, the darkness of all round ignorance is dispelled and man becomes free form the bind of attachment, possessiveness, greed etc. An ignorant person is perpetually busy in selfish, fulfillment and immersed in greed and temptations. Greed means the with to obtain others' money without exertion. Greed is a bad affection; it is the root of all sins and wickedness. All sins are born from greed. A greedy person does not recognize the relationship of his mother; father, brother, sister, friend, or anyone. He does not hesitate even to kill them for money. In the grip of greed, a man becomes a demon and carries our despicable deeds. He forgets that material means never accompanied a man after his death, nor will they in future also. Does money accompany a dead man? It remains behind only.
Only with devotion and real knowledge can a religious man enlighten his life. Even once if we are able to hear the voice of conscience, then we will not have to waste this invaluable human life. Doubtless, there will be ups and downs in our spiritual journey but we should not be disappointed because of that. We should adopt an optimistic attitude and courageously go on striving. Only then, freeing ourselves from materialistic binds, shall we be able to attain salvation and inspire others also to go on the good path.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.