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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Deed is the Main Thing for Human Beings

According to the Sam Veda 300 "God does not nullify anyone's deed at any time and does not punish anyone who has not committed any wrong deeds. An organization has been devised for giving the results of deeds - of this birth and other births - for every human being.
Message: All types of activities in this world are ruled by God's authority. Right from birth to death, all the events in man's life are administered by the righteous and impartial God in accordance with the fruits of man's deeds. It is decided according to the deeds of previous births as to in which country a soul will be born, in which family and how long and at what level the life has to be lived. Of two children born at the same time, one is born in a king's family and the other is born in a dirty hovel, one is brilliant from birth and the other is stupid, one child is strong and the other is constantly sickly. One is long-lived while the other has a short life-spam only. It is not that God has filled a person's life with happiness and facility by being partial and has without reason thrown someone in the fire of sorrow and wretched living. All this takes place according to the principal of "karmaphal" i.e. the results of one's deeds or 'as you sow, so shall you reap'.
The arrangements for a soul's next birth are made depending on his deeds in this birth. The soul is either liberated from the cycle of births and deaths or else it has to wander in the circle of births in 84, 00,000 species of life. Its next birth may be as a man or as a dog, cat, pig, snake, owl etc. The soul gets the facilities and comforts depending on the type of good and bad deeds done by him in previous birth. He also gets the occasions for repentance of his deeds in the form of sorrows and troubles.
The society today has become strangely peculiar. People have no faith in God or on his arrangements for providing the results according to a person's deeds. As a result they are becoming impudent, shamelessly bold and self-wiled, doing whatever pleases them. When there is no fear of punishment, no worry about what happens in the next birth, which is there to restrain them? In such a case why will discretion also give them company? Wherever they feel nice, wherever they get benefit, wherever they get pleasure, well, they move ahead in that direction. They have no fear nor restraint nor any shame in causing harm to someone's interest for achieving their selfish interest. This is what the animals actually do. They are interested only in filling their bellies and procreation or producing children. If man cannot put to good use the grace and blessings abundantly given by God, if he cannot make himself a human being in the true sense of the word, then what benefit did he really achieve by being born in the human species? Also, he must surely bear the punishment for the sins of past births. That is why he has to suffer from sorrow and bear hardships in this life. We are not able to repent a little. On the contrary we get trapped in more sins. The result is that the remaining life also becomes hell-like, and one is not aware about the type of punishment in the coming birth. One must think deeply on this truth.
By understanding properly this just and impartial form of God and the importance of the consequences of one's deeds, man always becomes engaged in good thinking and good deeds and is saved from the attack of bad thoughts and bad tendencies.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.