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Monday, January 4, 2010

The Secret of a Healthy Life.

Remaining part of "the secret of a healthy life" --- We should give up our short-sighted attitude and adopt a rational approach of thinking over a long-term future. There is no reason why we should not hope for a long life by adopting simplicity in food and life-style, if we understand the importance of good health and are also aware of the consequences of a weak body and illnesses. Most people cannot give up in-discipline in life, the tongue - ever greedy for newer tastes - is not ready for simple food, and the other bodily-senses also want a free reign and on the other front nature also do not deviate from its rule of punishing the undisciplined person with illness. Man groans from the sufferings of many diseases and dies. it is possible to bring a change in the individual with self-discipline and mankind can easily free itself from the widespread catastrophe of ill health.
An ill person is a burden on this earth. While groaning and suffering from illness, he is wasting the time of others who have to look after him and nurse him. He becomes unhappy and makes others unhappy. His earning is temporarily suspended, and there is a greater dent in his financial situation with extra expenses for medicines and other requirements. His helplessness may also create dirt around him and revulsion in others. An ill-body houses an ill mind and the patient becomes irritable, finds fault at the drop of a pin and makes others around him sad. His nature becomes perverse; he becomes a curse for himself, his family and for the society.
To sa ve oneself from illness, all that is required is timely precaution. The adage "Prevention is better than cure" holds true any time. One must develop the habit of a cheerful smile on one's face. it is a good habit, such a smile can be considered a serene and invaluable beauty. Not all the items of toilette can give the type of glow which a smile bestows on one's face. This is a free remedy of enhancing one's personality free of charge. One should stand in front of a mirror and try to find which expressions look more pleasant and attractive. People disapprove of a sad face and still more, expressions of anger, excitement, despair and anxiety. Everyone tries to keep away from such people. Maintaining silence is considered a symbol of lack of interest, lack of activeness and a timid nature. Their circle of friends also starts diminishing gradually.
It is very inappropriate to think that man becomes happy and flourishes with an abundance of wealth and luxuries and therefore one must leave all else and go on accumulating wealth. Bodily strength and beauty of the face have their own importance. Money is also necessary because it helps to obtain the necessities of life. Even then it should not be forgotten that the nature and level of one's personality are inseparably linked with the mind. Ignoring this truth results in great loss. Howsoever great the importance of health, education, talent and position in life, their benefit is limited only to the collection of comforts and facilities. But there is something beyond that. If that were not so, then only the prosperous would be the masters of all they surveyed and then nobody would care for the great people.
One should understand the importance of the mind and must constantly strive, not only for controlling its waywardness, but also use it for deep thinking and thereby purify it. There is great truth in the saying that one who controls himself can also rule others. Mind and soul have been described in many and varied ways - in short it can be described as one's level of thinking. Beliefs, feelings and faith are all within its ambit. Imagination, description and guesswork all work within its sphere. Habit one's nature and respect for others, they all develop here. Although it appears that thoughts spring by themselves and impose themselves on us, actually it is not so. This is because first we decide on a particular line of thinking and then the thoughts starts flowing accordingly. If we want to change our situation, the prime solution is to change our way of thinking.
First of all we must fight against those habits which are responsible for shackling us in situation of despair. Just as there is no cure for paralysis, bodily handicaps and debility, so is the case of a man - as long as he is in the grip of attitudes and thoughts. Lazy people and people who avoid work come under this category. They are incapable even though they have the capacity. A man capable of plenty of achievement wastes away his time like an incapable person because of the mind's rigidity resulting in avoidance of work, living on others' expenses and lazing away. Despite having all the time on their hands, they just waste it. If a man utilizes the same time constructively, he has the potential to become capable, skilful and prosperous.
Laziness tends to bind a man's mind. A lazy man does not bother even to think. He coolly accepts whatever is going on. The habit of living in a fantasy-world of imaginary progress, because of incapacity to think and act, makes such a person a laughing-stock like the legendary Sheikh-Chili in children's stories. Lazy people do not bother to think about progressing or its opposite. Their only solace is to accuse others for their ill luck, even though they themselves are the cause.
Understanding, patience, balanced mind, daring and efforts are required to change one's present situation. When a person does not get involved in the above processes, immorality takes root. How ever, if disorganized thoughts are marshaled to find solutions for a bad situation, the road to progress will definitely manifest.
Normally it is considered that one is healthy if one is saved from weakness and illness. A well-built proportionate and capable body is considered a gift of health. But health is not limited to mere bodily health. Mind and brain are also within this body. Our thought-processes, ability to discriminate, and intelligence are also links to the entire health. Beliefs, feelings and habits are the distinctive properties of this sphere. These too much be free from undesirable elements so that one's discretion for looking into the future remains fir,. Understanding, honesty, responsibility and bravery of person reveal his mental stability. Greed, attachment and ego must be considered as harmful as ill-health. Unfortunately people keep ignoring this serious matter.
Remaining part of this article can be read in the next article "The Secret of the Healthy life2"

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.