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Monday, January 4, 2010

Golden Rules for Healthy Life

  1. Ten golden rules given below are useful for everyone for a healthy life.
  2. Physical celibacy must be observed to the maximum possible extent. Only when there is an unavoidable need for begetting a child, should one think of sex. Husband and wife should regard each other - with purity - as two brothers.
  3. Save yourself from mental lust. Just as one feels innocent joy on seeing a beautiful flower, so should one feel when seeing a man or woman full of beauty?
    3. Go to bed early, and arise early.
  4. One must pay sufficient attention to cleanliness of the body, clothes, residence and furniture etc.
  5. One should not shy away from physical work. Plan a regimen of daily exercise which will tire you heavily.
  6. Avoid or discard negative feelings like anger, anxiety, despair, jealousy, malice. Everyone should cultivate the habit of living with a cheerful smile.
  7. Do not cover yourself excessively with clothes. The body should be trained to bear heat and cold.
  8. Save yourself from addictions of any and every type. Just as you will be afraid of a poisonous snake, similarly be afraid of bad company, dirty books and dirty entertainment.
  9. Avoid or discard artificialness, make-up, falsehood and childish pursuit of fashions. Just like gentlemen, keep simple attire. Lead a satisfied life and do not burn in the fire of ambitions.
  10. Do not imitate others. Let their way of thinking, habits and behavior be with them. Use your mental and physical efforts with discretion and develop the courage to walk alone firmly along your chosen path.

    The person who can follow the above instruction given can make his life healthy and can pass his life in fully peace.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.