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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good Deeds Wane Ill Omen

The consequences (phala) of good or bad Karmas (deeds) of a person done in the present life are indeed destined to occur at the appropriate time. This is the absolute law of Karma that accounts for one's "fate". How long will it take for materialization of the Karma-phala in one's 'stock' (prarabdha) is unpredictable and inexplicable because of the infinite complexity and constraints of one's interactions with other people and livings beings under different circumstances, mental state, etc, in different lives. What is essential for us is to realize the importance of righteous conduct and adept transactions of duties to shape our future destiny.
It is only the present, which is in our hand. Your noble deeds, altruistic service performed in the present will help annulling the negativity of your evil deeds in the past and thus help reshaping your ill omen to some extent or alleviating its severity. The greater your virtuous actions and saintly attitude, the more intense will be this favorable affect. The great lives of Shivi, Dhadhichi, Harischandra, Prahlad, Dhruva, Pandavas, etc evince this fact - though they did face adversities in earlier phases of their lives because of the Prarabdha, their noble deeds eventually bestowed immortal glory and success upon them.
Those on the righteous path get immense courage to face their destined bad luck, but the sinners or those on the immoral, wrong path, malign even their good luck and pile up miseries for futures. Which way would you like to go? The choice is yours….!

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.