A body used to live in a village. He had ridden an elephant, a horse, a bullock cart, a train etc. He had heard about the camel but had never ridden it. He always wished he could ride the camel. One day he was returning home from another village. On the way, one businessman had made his camel sit and he had gone to take bath in the nearby river. In order to give rest to the camel he had taken off both the saddle and the nose-string of the camel. As soon as the boy says the camel he started dancing in delight. Where else could he get such a nice opportunity to fulfill his ambition? He jumped and sat on the back of the camel. According to its habit, the camel got up suddenly and started running helter shelter. The boy became nervous but what could be done? There was no nose-halter. How could he control the camel? The camel went to running here and there according to its will and the nervousness of the boy increased in the same ratio. Two pedestrians, after seeing the nervousness of the boy, asked - "Where will you go?" The sobbing boy replied - "Brothers! I had to go to my home. But now I will go wherever this camel takes me". In the meantime, he collided with a branch of a tree and fell down injured on the ground.
People will laugh at boy's foolishness; but the condition of this world today is the same as that of the boy. It is as a result of riding the uncontrolled camel of the mind that everywhere crime, unruliness, quarrels and wickedness are reining supreme. Because of the uncontrolled mind, people have forgotten the bliss of heavenly life, its need and utility and they have engrossed themselves so much in the fulfillment of worldly pleasures and meeting the selfish ends that they have forgotten to distinguish between what is good and what is bad.
From the point of view of integral rejuvenation, every part of the physical body has its own significance, but the mind is most important. It has mysterious powers. Pleasure and pain, salvation and bondage, everything is under the control of mind. The scripture says - "mana aiva manushyanam karanam bandha mokeshayah" (that is, mind alone is the cause of bondage and salvation of a human being). If the worldly pleasure is required, the mind will provide it and if the ultimate truth - moksha is aspired for, the mind will provide this too. The mind always remains in the service of a person like a faithful servant. It is never tired. It never stops. It never gets old. Unceasing moment is its habit. It takes pleasure in making desires and running after their fulfillment. The power of mind is unlimited. But an uncontrolled mind is like a camel without nose-halter. It throws a person in the hell of sensual pleasures, desires, sorrows, wickedness, bad habits etc. A person forgets why he has taken birth and what the goal of life is.
The Key to all siddhis lies in the control of mind. But is is not easy. The sadhana of mind is more difficult than any yaga, etc. The scripture says - "Jitam jagat ken? Mano hi yen". (That is, one who has conquered his mind, has also conquered this world)
The line of Sukla Yajurved 34/5 says - "As the spokes of the wheels of a chariot are fixed at the center, in the same way the knowledge of rik, yajuh and samved is installed in the mind. Oh God! Grant that our mind has virtuous desires."
Our ancient Nepalese philosophers and yogacharyas devised special methods of sadhanas to cleanse, purify, concentrate, make steady and control the mind. They emphasized that with abhyas (continuous practice) and vairagya (non-attchment), mind can be controlled. The same advice was given by Lord Krishna to Arjun - "Asansham Mahabaho Mano Durnigraham chala, abhyasen to kaunteya vairagyena cha grahyate" -- (Gita, Chap 6, 35 shloka)
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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.