Every person is the powerful of all things. They can perform everything whatever they like, but if the person have no self confidence he can do nothing in his life. So every person should develop their self-confidence. From the stenza of the Rigved 10/27/5 has given the meaning to every individual that - "O men! Profound is the power of your self confidence. Nobody can crush your determination. When big obstacles of the size of mountains cannot obstruct your path, what is the significance of ordinary obstacles? Men! you are more powerful than even the Sun.
Message: The biggest power in the world is the power of the soul, which arouses the dormant powers of man and brings out the extra-sensory capacity by developing them and gives the capacity for increasing the material prosperity. All the activities for sustaining the life by obtaining the menas for facilities and for their proper planning are carried on with the soul's powers (spiritual powers). The capacity for working for personal benefit and for the benefit of a few others is obtained by our intelligence. But with the strength of the spirit such profoundness is possible, by which not only personal, but the entire world's upliftment becomes possible. A man who lacks spiritual strength cannot experience happiness even though he has all the material means. But if a man becomes rich with spiritual strength he achieves heavenly bliss in this life itself and by establishing oneness with God, constantly moves towards the real objective of life.
Normally with external physical vision we believe this body to be the be-all and end-all, but our life is created with the body, the pran (life's breath force), the mind, the intelligence and the five subtle covers sorrounding the soul (the annamaya kosh, the pranamaya kosh, the manomaya kosh ,the vigyanmaya kosh and the anandmaya kosh). The soul is a part of the paramatma (the supreme soul), i .e. God) and is alwas trying for going towards the Supreme. The power which the vast Godhead, the Creator of this world has for Himself, the same power is within us (because of God being within us). Self-confidence is nothing but having faith in this fact. Once a man filled with glorious self-confidence takes a decision, then no power on earth can sway him.
Hanuman was able to cross the ocean with just one jump, on the profound strength of self-confidence. Arjun achieved victory in the great Mahabharat war only because his self confidence was roused. All the achievements of man in the present times are a result of his firm and tremendous will power. Man has climbed to the top of Himalayas, flies in the air, is making discoveries at the bottom of the sea - all this is miracle of only the profound power of his self-confidence.
The problem is only one that man has niether been able to know his soul (or spirit) nor God, the supreme soul. He has started wondering after material pleasures and suffers sorrow, but does not make an attempt to find the ultimate truth. Usually most people do not get even an inkling of the soul and God. What is the means of bringing about this arousal? What is the real path for recognising the tremendous power of our soul and by its energy increase the happiness and prosperity of the self as well as the world? That path is "Total faith only in God's Authority". Once this faith or confidence becomes firm we always get the experience that God is within our soul only. His presence automatically goes on inspiritng us towards good deeds.
The other term for God's authority is nothing byt the strength of the soul or will power.
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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.