Meaning: Various people have the various concepts about the worship of God. In reality, God is the attitude of a man, if the person is sinless hearted, he can find God every where for this statement our ancient Grantha Rigveda has expressed it in its 8/61/11 stanza that - "If the heart is impure and malicious, then God's worship will also be unfruitful. Therefore God's worship must be carried our with a 'nispaap (sinless) heart.
Message: Different types of beliefs are seen in the people of this world regarding God. Some people do not believe in God's existence. They ask that if God exists, they why is he not seen? Well, are we able to see the electricity passing through the wire and lighting the electric bulb? Then, are we able to deny the existence of electricity flowing through the wire. Only God is the creator, controller and sustainer of this creation. Our welfare lies only in the devotion and worship of God.
Even so, most men suffer sorrow and hardships despite worshipping God. The only reason for it is that their hearts are still full of faults and bad tendencies and involved in sinful acts. Therefore worship in such situations is not real worship, but mere hypocrisy. How can one receive benefit of a false show? The one and only one condition for obtaining God's grace is purity of heart. After all, God is our best friend and brother, but we have not made an attempt to meet God with pure, sinless, generous and open heart. How can He then shower His grace on us?
The people of this era have become ego-centric and are trapped in the endless pursuit for satisfying their own senses. We are running only after illusory pictures or mere shadows. We are caught in a terrible vice. The disease of running after money and women has assumed a dreadful form and is spreading everywhere. People are not willing to get out of its bind. They are always remaining unstated despite continuous indulgence of senses. What a misfortune it is that indulgence of senses is crying out from rooftops and is saying that it does not have any power or strength to provide satiation (i.e. full satisfaction). Even then man is so foolish that despite knowing this fact, he rushes with redoubled and vain efforts to get full satisfaction from these very illusory indulgences of senses. Ultimately the situation arises, 'bhoga na bhukta, vyameva bhukta' i.e. we are not able to enjoy the material pleasures of the senses, but sacrifice ourselves in the worry for obtaining such pleasures. The Vedas have never told us to discard materialism, but have told us to accept the creation as a mere means and to use it for good purpose. In the absence of the body or material means, our sustenance is impossible, but to believe that only sustenance is everything, amounts to self-deception.
Good deeds for helping others and moral conduct are mere steps towards spiritual life. For purity of the 'chitta' (one of the four parts of the mind, chitta is where concentration on a subject or image takes place) we have to climb through these steps. Without purifying the chitta, the highest knowledge can never be achieved. To remove the dirt which has firmly lodged in the mid, firm moral conduct, deeds for helping others without any self interest, regular study of scriptures and religious endeavor (or religious discipline) are extremely necessary. On taking to this path, the flow of divine spiritual knowledge starts within the heart and with the profound brightness of this divine glow our faults and bad tendencies are, as if, burnt away. The space vacated by them gets filled with 'sadgun' (good qualities).
All this is possible only by firm 'atmabal' (strength of the soul) or firm resolve or will-power.
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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.