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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Various Type of Person in the Society

Meaning: 10/191/03 of the Rigved express that - Let the thoughts of all men be alike, let all live unitedly together, let their mind, their concentration and Yagya rituals be the same, which means, let all people live by mingling with each other.
Message: Just as no two faces are alike, similarly people's thinking, faith and nature are also different. In the society, black and white, big and small, aged and the young, women and men, rich and poor, all live together. All somehow depend on each other. Even then, if people tolerate each other with a liberal attitude and live together, then all around there will be an atmosphere of happiness, peace, unity and progress.
Very big indeed is the power of thoughts which gives a direction to people's thinking and character. The polluted thinking of people in the society impels people towards selfish conduct in place of a conduct with motive of serving the society. Today every man is unhappy. The reason is not only their difficulties but also their jealous thinking of "why are the other happy"? This is corrupted thinking, which prevents unity and creates obstacles in the path of progress. Whatever progress man has achieved in this world is by cooperation and unity. For flying an aero plane, there is a pilot. But does he do it alone? No. Actually he has the cooperation of a large force of engineers and skilful technicians in the departments of radar, electricity, telephones etc. A slight mistake in any of their functions can cause a disaster. In arithmetic, 1+1 = 2. This happens also in case of inanimate objects, birds, animals etc. But if two men come together they can be like eleven - strong, just like the two figures of 1 being next to each other as 11. This arithmetical miracle is possible only by unity. If we keep this fact in mind, and believe that our interest lies in the interest of the society because we are an indivisible part of the society, then we will be able to cooperate in the creation of a healthy, strong and capable society.
World-peace is possible only by adopting Vedic philosophy which preaches goodwill, friendship, world-fraternity and strong mutual relationship based on affection. On the one hand man has come very near each other because of the blessings of science. With the curse of the same science there is also strong distrust and fear among men. Unity is possible only when the minds and thinking of people are alike. The mantras in the Vedas stress this mental unity. By imbibing Vedic philosophy in conduct, man achieves "Dharma, artha, kama, or moksha" (i.e. a holy and religious base, livelihood or money, 'kama" or fulfillment of wishes and 'moksha' or salvation). If all men in the world conduct themselves according to Vedas there will be peace and prosperity everywhere.
The rishis (sages) have given the responsibility of reviving and keeping alive this line of thinking to the Brahmans.

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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.