"Do not divulge this Mantra to the disciple of any other person, especially one who is not devoted. If this is done, it may result in death."
What has been stated above is indicative of the fact that Tantra is a secret science and it is not desirable to indiscriminately disclose it to other. Tantrik Sadhanas are very difficult, as difficult as picking up pearls from the bottom of the ocean. Divers risk their lives and dive deep into the ocean and lay hand on pearls with great difficulty, but during this process they have to encounter the dangerous creatures of the ocean. An acrobat displays his feats, attracts people and earns praise but if there is any mishap, one can imagine what would be his lot?
Tantra amounts to waging war against nature and gaining victory over its powers. For this, extra-ordinary efforts are required and their reactions are also equally extra-ordinary. When a stone is thrown in water there is disturbance on the water's surface. A Tantrik Sadhak attacks nature by his secret Sadhana to attain its hidden powers. Nature counter attacks ferociously and as such this Sadhana is fraught with grave risks.
When a gun is fired there is a powerful back-push and a terrible sound is produced. If the gunman is weak he can fall flat on his back by the jerk and start trembling by its crashing sound. Snakes are found near a sandal-wood tree, roses are surrounded by thrones. The stings of honey-bees have to be faced for obtaining honey. Tantrik Sadhanas are also frightful pursuits which are full of frightful hazards. Had it not been so, anybody could have easily achieved those powers of the occult.
The pursuits of Tantra Sadhana are as difficult as walking on the cutting edge of a sword and for this one must possess adequate initiative, courage, firmness, fearlessness and patience. One can attain success only if he performs Sadhana devotedly with a steady mind under the guidance of an experienced guide. It has been observed that some people perform Tantrik Sadhana to subjugate some evil spirit, ghost or devil. During the Sadhana they encounter dreadful scenes and if they are overpowered by those evil spirits they have to face terrible consequences. Several such people fall seriously ill, some become mad, some even die.
Tantra is a provocatively violent system which created powerful vibration resulting in heat and excitement in the nature, In the summer the temperature shoots up on account of terrible rays of the Sun giving rise to dust-storms, tempests and heat waves. Some people suffer from sun-stroke, dust particles enter into the eyes of some persons while others suffer from boils, pimples, ulcers etc. Trees get uprooted and thatched roofs are blown away, In Tantra Sadhana also similar violent disturbances are created and heat waves and dust-storms of subtle type are encountered which create terrific vibrations in the human mind. Due to these vibrations several dreadful entities like ghosts, devils, demons etc seem to appear from nowhere. If the Sadhak lacks the courage to face these terrifying scenes smilingly he becomes awe-struck and non-pulsed and his life is endangered.
Everyone cannot face such difficulties. It requires a courageous mental background to do so. A man himself cannot decide whether or not he is capable of performing Tantra Sadhana. Just as a patient cannot treat himself, a student cannot learn all by himself. That is why an experienced guide is required to learn Tantrik Sadhana. The guide examines the would be student's mental background and decides which particular Sadhana is useful for him. Tantra Sadhanas are, thus, performed according to the tradition of teacher and taught. The guide or teacher, who is called Guru, strictly enjoins upon the student to keep this Sadhana secret so that he may not be tempted to misuse it.
If the power acquired by Tantrik Sadhana is misused it may create chaos and harm people. If a person gets money by gambling without doing hard work, he will not be able to utilize it wisely and purposefully. It is, therefore, kept quite secret and any and every person is not entitled to perform this Sadhana.
Gayatri has its rightist (Dakshin) as well as leftist (Vam) method of worship. It incorporates Yoga as well as Tantra. It leads not only to self-realization and God-realization but also to material achievements. It also helps in elimination of the evil. Gayatri Yoga is rightist method of Sadhana which fulfills the purpose of self-realization. Gayatri Tantra is the leftist method (Vam-Marg) by which worldly objects could be obtained and evil persons or influences could be neutralized. It is an extremely secret method. In books relating to Gayatri Tantra, there is symbolic description about achieving money, progeny, women, health, and position, victory over enemies, and sway over other by enchantment through Tantrik Sadhana. It should, however, be kept in mind that a detailed procedure is to be followed and an exactly prescribed performance of rituals is required, which has not been explicitly mentioned in the Tantra books. It can be learnt only from experienced experts.
What has been stated above is indicative of the fact that Tantra is a secret science and it is not desirable to indiscriminately disclose it to other. Tantrik Sadhanas are very difficult, as difficult as picking up pearls from the bottom of the ocean. Divers risk their lives and dive deep into the ocean and lay hand on pearls with great difficulty, but during this process they have to encounter the dangerous creatures of the ocean. An acrobat displays his feats, attracts people and earns praise but if there is any mishap, one can imagine what would be his lot?
Tantra amounts to waging war against nature and gaining victory over its powers. For this, extra-ordinary efforts are required and their reactions are also equally extra-ordinary. When a stone is thrown in water there is disturbance on the water's surface. A Tantrik Sadhak attacks nature by his secret Sadhana to attain its hidden powers. Nature counter attacks ferociously and as such this Sadhana is fraught with grave risks.
When a gun is fired there is a powerful back-push and a terrible sound is produced. If the gunman is weak he can fall flat on his back by the jerk and start trembling by its crashing sound. Snakes are found near a sandal-wood tree, roses are surrounded by thrones. The stings of honey-bees have to be faced for obtaining honey. Tantrik Sadhanas are also frightful pursuits which are full of frightful hazards. Had it not been so, anybody could have easily achieved those powers of the occult.
The pursuits of Tantra Sadhana are as difficult as walking on the cutting edge of a sword and for this one must possess adequate initiative, courage, firmness, fearlessness and patience. One can attain success only if he performs Sadhana devotedly with a steady mind under the guidance of an experienced guide. It has been observed that some people perform Tantrik Sadhana to subjugate some evil spirit, ghost or devil. During the Sadhana they encounter dreadful scenes and if they are overpowered by those evil spirits they have to face terrible consequences. Several such people fall seriously ill, some become mad, some even die.
Tantra is a provocatively violent system which created powerful vibration resulting in heat and excitement in the nature, In the summer the temperature shoots up on account of terrible rays of the Sun giving rise to dust-storms, tempests and heat waves. Some people suffer from sun-stroke, dust particles enter into the eyes of some persons while others suffer from boils, pimples, ulcers etc. Trees get uprooted and thatched roofs are blown away, In Tantra Sadhana also similar violent disturbances are created and heat waves and dust-storms of subtle type are encountered which create terrific vibrations in the human mind. Due to these vibrations several dreadful entities like ghosts, devils, demons etc seem to appear from nowhere. If the Sadhak lacks the courage to face these terrifying scenes smilingly he becomes awe-struck and non-pulsed and his life is endangered.
Everyone cannot face such difficulties. It requires a courageous mental background to do so. A man himself cannot decide whether or not he is capable of performing Tantra Sadhana. Just as a patient cannot treat himself, a student cannot learn all by himself. That is why an experienced guide is required to learn Tantrik Sadhana. The guide examines the would be student's mental background and decides which particular Sadhana is useful for him. Tantra Sadhanas are, thus, performed according to the tradition of teacher and taught. The guide or teacher, who is called Guru, strictly enjoins upon the student to keep this Sadhana secret so that he may not be tempted to misuse it.
If the power acquired by Tantrik Sadhana is misused it may create chaos and harm people. If a person gets money by gambling without doing hard work, he will not be able to utilize it wisely and purposefully. It is, therefore, kept quite secret and any and every person is not entitled to perform this Sadhana.
Gayatri has its rightist (Dakshin) as well as leftist (Vam) method of worship. It incorporates Yoga as well as Tantra. It leads not only to self-realization and God-realization but also to material achievements. It also helps in elimination of the evil. Gayatri Yoga is rightist method of Sadhana which fulfills the purpose of self-realization. Gayatri Tantra is the leftist method (Vam-Marg) by which worldly objects could be obtained and evil persons or influences could be neutralized. It is an extremely secret method. In books relating to Gayatri Tantra, there is symbolic description about achieving money, progeny, women, health, and position, victory over enemies, and sway over other by enchantment through Tantrik Sadhana. It should, however, be kept in mind that a detailed procedure is to be followed and an exactly prescribed performance of rituals is required, which has not been explicitly mentioned in the Tantra books. It can be learnt only from experienced experts.
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Spiritual spirit comes from the very inner layer of our body. This is known as feeling of an individuals.